I have to go traffic court on Friday, and I'm so stressed out about it, I'm making myself physically ill. Today, my bosses sent me home early, as I was talking to them about the court date, and all the blood drained from my face.
They think I'm sick, not freaking out. To be fair, I can't sleep and can't eat without wanting to vomit.
I had several unpaid parking tickets that I forgot about, my registration was suspended, and then I got pulled over and informed, and given several tickets. Last stupid mistake of my 20s. I sent the money to pay off the fine, but I don't know if it's there or not, and idk what'll happen at court if the suspension isn't lifted by the time I get there.
It's even worse, because they're not in my town, so I can't even hit up my own DMV. I have to make some phone calls tomorrow.
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