New York and the curse of the shiny things.

Oct 27, 2011 09:10

I won't go into the aches and pains of happy la dee da plane trips, but we ventured straight into Times Square on the Monday-- without my camera. All I can really say is Disney Store and the Toys R Us in New York are just, the best things ever. EVER.

But onto the second day, really. I met Jaina around 11 and we took a gander through Central park. It was a really nice day, so I got to take a shot of the city around us which, admittedly, looked pretty fantastic at the time.

Jainers had both the plans...and the ability to actually know which direction she was going in, so I followed her lead the whole day. She is the most patient woman ever, really-- and more than once she commented that I have the bladder of a camel.

She led me to Fao Schwarz next, since she knew I wanted to go there pretty bad. The doorman was fairly friendly; a very nice chap indeed:

Admittedly, the most amusing thing in the store was this:

As the sign says, there's only 10 of them in the entire world. What the sign doesn't say is that it's worth $25,000. There were a few other things to see in loverly Fao Schwarz, including that one piano from Big, some very pretty--expensive-- dollies. All of that and an assortment of lego-- I really was enamored by this piece right here, though.

From there we wandered over to Rockefeller center.

It was pretty rockin'.

There was a lot to see and do and...Jaina was very admirable in putting up with me failing not to sit down quite frequently, by this point. My feet had had it. ._.;

I think it world, next. We had some sammiches for a bit of lunch which turned into peg the bread at the birds, and then to a lovely store which...I can't particularly remember the name for. Kuroshima-- something, humm. But it was pretty huge, the manga section was all out amazing, and we both checked out of there with a copy of KH 358 Days vol 1 & 2 tucked under our arms.

The next part is best summed up by Jaina. We sat down again and BLAH BLAH KH BLAH BLAH ROXAS BLAH BLAH DIZ IS AN ASSHOLE BLAH BLAH OUR BABY BLAH. There is nothing more terrifying than how much me and her can talk KH. I'm pretty sure we could've continued that on well past midnight, but as is we got up and continued on... eventually.

We played a little bit of Kirby at Nintendo World, and Zelda. I also got Diane a little something from there! The first comic shop I ended up getting... more manga. And the very last comic store of the evening I even found something for Naiku!

The one slightly unfun part of the evening was going into Times Square and trying to see Wicked-- it was practically sold out, and we couldn't get a seat together, so we decided not to see it. I think I scared Jaina when she figured out I could...actually swear at people. Someone tried to buy us tickets and he wasn't the nicest about it, so I called him a jackass.

At which point Jaina pretty much looked like this oAO;; as she dragged me away. 8D

Our alternate plan involved that one last comic store, where we got the guy to take our picture. Jaina told him this was because he was less likely to take off with it. He called us suckers.

He commented on the fact that I wasn't a smiler. I agreed.

We ended the lovely night with some ice cream-- not sea salt and we didn't sit up somewhere high, but...that's okay. As Jaina said, I'd lose my balance. Some more BLAH BLAH KH BLAH DEE'S AWESOME BLAH BLAH SIREN'S PULL later, and we finally parted ways. I won't see her again tonight, but that's okay. It was an amazing day, either way.

I'll just end this with a quiet hnngn at Gameboy world.

Also squirrels everywhere

kh, naiku, twewy, new york, camelroo, dee, jaina, blah blah

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