Fail Fandom Anon Official Move Announcement

May 04, 2014 18:31

On July 5, 2014 Fail Fandom Anon will officially move to Dreamwidth. For the last four years the meme has found a welcoming home on LiveJournal. Due to the increasing extended technical outages of LiveJournal service and the unreliability of the LiveJournal platform we will be moving by choice -- before a LJ collapse forces a sudden relocation.

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DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 07:41:53 UTC
Thought we could use a thread for this. I know some people's issues with DW is down to specific technical problems or missing features. Meme is smart and has many tech-savvy anons. If something is a deal-breaker for you at DW because of your device, or the way you meme, maybe we can croud-source solutions.

It would be great if this subthread could stick to practical discussion and troubleshooting. Maybe keep wank about why people are stupid to use meme the way they do or to own dumb-phones for other threads?


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 10:24:11 UTC
DW actually works BETTER for me on my phone, but I was wondering if the nonnies talking about figuring out spoiler cuts had got anywhere?


Spoilertext anonymous May 5 2014, 13:12:51 UTC

In the textbox is the spoiler code people use on DW. Not sure if it's QUITE what you're after but it works on other anonmemes over there.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 11:57:25 UTC
I couldn't find any advice on dememe, so maybe someone can answer this?

I'm a tracking nonny, and DW always tracks to inbox + email. Inbox fills up at 2000 comments.

Will I always have to delete manually once the inbox is full, or will the emails still come in? I guess I'll find out soon enough, but maybe someone can confirm.

Because if I have to do regular inbox maintenance every 1-2 days or lose big chunks of conversation, that's pretty much the death knell for me. (And I like DW! :( )


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 12:04:24 UTC
The inbox will start auto-deleting the old ones. I've been stuck at 2000 messages for a couple of weeks now and my tracking is still fine!


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 12:13:53 UTC
Oh hallelujah! That's a huge relief. Thanks nonny :)


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 14:38:26 UTC
Most of the places I'm able to use the Internet from block DW. I can get to DW on my phone but I don't have an unlimited data plan and in past experiences it's really easy to go overlimit just by checking the meme. I can get to LJ, and dememe, on the computers I use. any ideas for how I can enjoy (or, really, comment at) meme more than once every few weeks?

(yes, keep the wank about being unable to afford a home Internet connection off the thread)


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 15:16:40 UTC
Track and get everything sent to your email? Then if you want to reply to something, you could use your phone data for that. That's all I've got, sorry.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 13 2014, 17:06:19 UTC
DW recently implemented a reply-from-email system that doesn't require actually accessing the site, so that is definitely an option for similarly blocked nonnies.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 15:19:08 UTC
Proxies, maybe? There's a couple of browser addons that help with managing them. (Foxyproxy comes to mind, for Firefox, though I haven't used it in ages and don't quite remember how it works.)

Otherwise, I'd just Google proxy servers, but utilize caution because some may be kind of spyware-infested.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 15:36:31 UTC
Yikes! That's awful. I've worked paces that block LJ, but DW is usually so under the radar that I've never even heard of anyone blocking it-- most places that would don't know it exists.

I'm sorry you work somewhere that is so unreasonable about personal internet usage. Ugh.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 15:50:19 UTC

It's not just at work, it's at the libraries, open wifi at coffee places that use filters, and plenty of other places. LJ isn't blocked. I am assuming it is because LJ is primarily for people blogging primarily about non-fandom matters, mostly in Cyrillic characters, and DW has unfortunately triggered the adult content sensors.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 15:36:42 UTC
I'm the Russian nonnie who can't access LJ normally and I use the Firefox extension Anonymox. It's annoying as hell but it works for me for now while I wean myself off the meme.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 16:40:57 UTC
Use Opera on your phone to browse meme ("normal" Opera or Mini, whichever is okay). If the "On the Road" mode is activated, it compresses all data sent/received (that is, it pushes it through Opera's own servers) with really, really impressive results. As in, ~80% less data consumption.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 20:37:36 UTC
Can you use a proxy that encrypts the url? I think HideMyAss does this, but there are others. I suppose your options depend on where your access is. I wouldn't try getting around work restrictions at all because of the consequences if you're caught, but coffeeshop wifi or library computers I'd go for proxies.

I wonder what it is about DW that's getting it blocked. I've seen places block JF because they add some META tag to all their pages flagging the entire site as adult content, but as far as I know DW doesn't do that.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 21:07:12 UTC
Have you considered Tor? If you have a lot of places that are blocked, Tor can be a good way of getting around that.


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