There's a new critter who's just moved into the compound. Please ignore him if he attempts to bum a cigarette from you. He's trying to quit, and the second-hand smoke aggravates Ginger's asthma something fierce. Please don't enable his bad habits!*
*He knows where the smoking section is. He's just not willing to pass the Kraken to get to it.
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I actually don't get why people write the fic they do. Except I come back to that same thing, Ben Whishaw is pretty and people want to write fic about him being loved and wanted by hot men and getting to live happy ever after, no need for him to change or make compromises or have to deal with complicated, difficult people or decisions. Which, eh, people can write whatever wish-fulfillment they like, but it's uninteresting and it's certainly OOC.
and heaven forbid I talk about how much I like Vesper; you'd think she'd killed Bond's dog or something for how virulent the hate is for her.
I know, right? That's why I never look in the tumblr tags, Vesper is in my top 3 favorite Bond characters.
I'm glad to hear that there are other people out there who do see the ship the same way I do. You're right when you say that it's almost all sweet and cutesy, usually Bondlock and fluffy or happy AUs in which everyone shows the proper amount of reverence for Whishaw's ass (though it's a very nice one!). Sometimes I do wish more people embraced the dark ship I see when I look at them, but in the end I keep shipping it my way, and I will until something changes how I see them. It's gratifying to run into others who feel the same way, though!
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