Service Orientation - FFA Post #315

Apr 03, 2014 21:15

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Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 17:28:38 UTC


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 17:31:08 UTC
Having just watched season 1 of GoT:

- Cercei is pretty dumb (very little of the scheming seems smart, but she seems the dumbest).
- Littlefinger is the hottest dude of the entire bunch.
- I might like Dany if Emilia Clarke wasn't a bad actress.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 17:56:57 UTC
I think that Cersei is supposed to be dumb. She's scheming but also dumb. As far as i can tell, this is an accurate interpretation of canon.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:04:59 UTC
ayrt Oh, that's nice to know! All I knew about her before watching was all the fandom brouhaha about her being a scheming queen with weaponized femininity and what not, but then she was like "I didn't have any of the king's kids on purpose! Even though I totally could have!" and "I'm just going to tear this piece of paper to pieces! That's so smart and will totally show everyone!" and so on, and I was like "??? What the fuck am I supposed to make of this stupid woman?"


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 21:54:43 UTC
Absolutely this. We get her POV in AFFC, and she is not nearly as clever and good at The Game as she thinks she is.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 17:58:58 UTC
Cersei is dumb. Part of the reason the show is good is because she thinks the reason nobody wants her in charge is because she's a woman, when it's really because she's nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:04:48 UTC
Littlefinger is the hottest dude of the entire bunch.

No, no, no! Ack, so much no to that scheming bastard!

Jon Snow is the hottest!


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:08:32 UTC
ayrt I'm sorry, anon, Jon Snow is whiny and boring. Littlefinger is Aidan Gillen and wears that fabulous coat and has the sexiest walk. He should be dub-conning all the men in that canon.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:10:03 UTC
DA You're both wrong, Khal Drogo was the hottest, and now that he's dead, the crown has passed to Jaime Lannister.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:19:59 UTC
Jame Lannister always had that crown.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 7 2014, 15:44:25 UTC
Khal Drogo 4 ever!


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 8 2014, 20:09:04 UTC
+1 yessirree


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:12:50 UTC

Every Aiden Gillen character ever.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:22:12 UTC
ayrt Back when RTD cast him in QaF as the character that no gay man could keep their hand off, I was thinking "Really? This guy? What the hell, RTD?"

But then he aged a bit, and daaaaaamn. RTD was right, I was wrong, I have seen the light!


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 6 2014, 18:37:10 UTC
Now, thinking back on it, he looks like he could be Benedict Cumberbatch & Shia Labouf's love child in QaF hahaha.


Re: Unpopular Opinions anonymous April 7 2014, 00:43:09 UTC
I always liked the idea that Stuart wasn't necessarily the best-looking guy in the room, but somehow, because of Aidan Gillen, he was still the hottest.


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