So before I forget anything more --
1. There was an Ojyamap location shoot today. Guess why? BECAUSE THERE WAS A PROPOSAL IN TODAY'S CONCERT. Someone wrote in to request to propose at a concert AND IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. The girl was obviously in tears. Shingo kinda hosted the proposal in his Indian character (or maybe it was Katsuken). He also did a short monomane of zakiyama appeared. Unfortunately, I have no idea who that is :/ Oops. And I think I should know the Shingo character too - but I don't.
2. While we're on that, let's talk about the characters that appeared during the MC. There was an AWESOME line-up today - I think partly because of the proposal. Hands down favourite? CCB Goro. He was hilarious and really rambly - he was like, crap high-tension Goro doesn't really appear and I don't really know what to do. Plus, he was on the furthest stage. ALONE. Tsuyo and Kimura who went before him had side-chars appear. He complained about his pink hair ruining his real hair. LOL. And he tried to do Aoi Inazuma CCB Goro style... which obviously failed. Then he did something else I don't remember... And then he did a monomane of Nakai singing Moment. WHICH WAS FREAKING HILARIOUS. You could actually see the similarities. NakaGoro moment was love.
3. P-chan appeared. OMFG. And he took two-shots with audiences - like by putting the two camera shots side by side. The first one was pretty normal - some kid. Second one was funny because there was this obasan with the Gift sticker on her nose bridge and Kimura couldn't stop wondering where that came from (it's the seal that seals the plastic holding the pamphlet). She was also holding a Shingo uchiwa, and it was so funny cause everyone noticed. Halfway through, her friend kindly tried to give her a Kimura one by covering Shingo's - then she realised it was kinda rude so she took away Shingo's and Kimura was all like - You don't have to bother :P Third person, P-chan got bored, made her close her eyes and face him and you'd think he'd kiss her but instead he air-touched her boobs. FREAKING EPIC AND WRONG. OHGOD YOU GUYS ARE JOHNNYS. Then Shingo comes out to save the day and comments on the Gift sticker and talks about his uchiwa. Hilarity.
4. Showa Jidai. Uhm, it's self-explanatory.
5. Then there was also the appearance of boke!Hikoichi who comes out all cool except for really curly hair. He fights a bit and is interrupted by Nakai in one of his characters (I forgot the char's name - it's the one holding a baby all the time!). Nakai teases him about something, then disappears down a hole while Hikoichi runs off to chase the bad guys to the middle of the stage, and Nakai reappears up a different spot and complains to Hikoichi about running too fast and how he nearly couldn't make it in time. It was funny to see Hikoichi apologizing endlessly Tsuyopon style.
6. Skits were my favourite bits. The talky MC was really short - mostly about Tsuyopon's movie and Kimura's drama - which Fujigaya is apparently appearing in. That's supposedly a secret but I doubt it is now. I don't remember most of it but it was largely Tsuyopon bashing. :P Oh! But at the start they're all chatting except Nakai who's just randomly sitting on the steps of the stage looking downwards and Kimura's like "Oi, otousan, what the heck are you doing?" CUUUTE. And later on while they're Tsuyoshi-bashing as usual, Goro sort of disappears into the background and Nakai's like "Inagaki!" and Goro looks up, and Nakai goes: "Nothing~". My NakaGoro heart~~
7. Angel heart was awesome. Basically Goro and Nakai were at the ends of the pathways extending from the main stage and they sang their bits, then faced each other and sang. And waved cute goodbyes at the end. It's part of the choreography but Shingo's and Tsuyo's weren't really half as cute! Goro kinda did a mini finger wave and Nakai winked back and did the same thing!
8. Loads of Shingo Goro moments early on the con too. They SHARED A MIC AND WERE SUPER CLOSE.
9. Fair bit of NakaTsu too! During the MC, Shingo laughs at Tsuyoshi's creepy expression when they're talking about Kimura's drama and Nakai, who's standing behind Tsuyoshi, like puts a hand on Tsuyoshi's cheek and turns it towards him so he can see. Guh.
10. Shingo sang awesomely and I wowed at finally being able to see Kimura drag his notes way too long live ^_^
11. The song Shingo, Goro and Tsuyoshi sing together is awesome. Shingo pulled Tsuyoshi's (I think it was his) mic away from him while he was singing. Lol. And they had Kimura and Nakai do the high notes as they pop up from giftboxes just for the note. Super cute, and super offkey when it was Nakai's turn XD
12. Shingo and Kimura's Ohayou was AWESOME. They stood under one umbrella as they got lowered into the stage. I NEED AN ICON OF THAT DAMN IT.
13. Solos - Goro's was surprisingly sweeeeet. I liked Shingo's cause it was dancey. Though, Yamapi's face was constantly behind. There was a moment that everyone thought Pi might appear. Nakai's was Chokozai plus dance. Nuff said. Kimu's and Tsuyo's were... okayish. In my opinion.
14. Nakai disappeared for a long while after his solo. He started Shake Shake then went off to change but he didn't appear till a looooong time into the next song (either Arigatou or Original Smile, can't remember which) and it was slightly worrying. You could tell he missed his cue because the rest of them got on carts to move to the stage at the far end but he didn't appear till at least a quarter of the song later. I loved that whole part cause they wer finall in clothes that were their own colours. And it was pretty and bright and colourful.
15. The opening video wasn't awesome and the opening was, well, cool but not mind blowing. They appeared from hanging giftboxes. HOWEVER, the rest of the videos were amaaaazing. There was a colourful, comic-style video in between. There was Tamori-san introducing the skits and there was a funny proposal video in a car where they did a Gatsby style person-switch. It was to introduce some song I don't know the title of. Oops?
16. Not Alone is surprisingly kinda catchy live. I like it better live, definitely.
17. CRAZY FIVE WAS AWESOME. OMG NEARLY FORGOT IT. They all had solo dancing parts and they would rap and introduce the next person who was dancing right? This really goth heavy eyeshadow version of them would appear on the screen and then it would go into their solo dancing bits. Before they danced, they did some version of "いくぞう!" but Goro was like 行かない! then he did a relatively simple dance but it was FUNNY.
18. Goro's amazingly gorgeous, and so's Tsuyoshi. Shingo was SUPER SHINY. Kimura was great.. but I don't know. Shingo was the shiny one. AND OMG NAKAI'S DANCING. OMG OMG OMG HE IS AWESOME.
19. Orenji had me crying. Although the very literal way of turning all the lights ORANGE had me lol-ing at first. But uh, yes, I kinda teared up at Orenji because it reminds me of how I once REALLY used to LOVE LOVE SMAP, and how I came all the way here because of them. I still love them, but it's sort of faded a bit now... But I do love the boys /sniffles.
Will add as I remember :X Oh but I wanted to say that I did like how Nagoya Dome doesn't feel as huge as Tokyo Dome (or maybe I had better seats) but they ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE REAL PEOPLE DANCING and I was happy.