Dec 20, 2006 14:18
Now I’ve done it.
I’m failing my senior project.
Which means, I’m going to fail highschool.
Other high schools don’t do a senior project.
And It’s just my luck that I get stuck in one that does.
I hate this. I hate it. If I fail, I don’t get to go back to Virginia.
I may as well drop the fuck out of school for all it’s worth.
Getting bitched at by this man who claims to be my grandfather but has no relation to me
WHATSOEVER is not fun at all. If he wasn’t old, I’d bash his fucking head into a wall or something. Then I get bitched at by other people who bitch all the time.
Oh yeah, And I won at pissing cai off. FUCKING FUCK. X--------------X someone please give me story Ideas…simple ideas with simple characters that are simple to draw. I am making a comic for my Senior project, and my procrastination is killing me.
On top of that, I finished one term paper, and I have one more ot go. I’ll be 18 in 20 days.
I am NOT looking forward to it at all. Nor am I looking forward to Christmas break, because all that’s gonna happen is me getting bitched at. Hoorah. Hoo. Freaking. Rah.
I ♥ kata. Bye.
/end pointless ramble and anger vent.