Quotes, lyrics, and other valuables (Work in Progress)

Feb 14, 2009 16:20

Just a listing of some quotes, lyrics, and anything else I like.



The Dark Tower Series:
"The Man in Black fled across the Desert, and the Gunslinger followed" - Narrator

"Go on then, there are other worlds than these." - Jake (One of my favorites)

"I don't like people, they fuck me up." - Jake

"At least I jack off with my left hand." - Roland (I almost lost it when he said this.)

"First, fight off the giant lobsters!  Next, ride they psychotic train!  And then, after a visit to our snack bar for a popkin or two." - Eddie

"Do you have a cartomobile, a truckomobile, or a tacksee?" - Roland

"Perhaps they only looked for a Jesus to heal them, raise them Lazarus-like from the darkness." - Roland

"And there was light, crashing in on him like a hammer, a great and primordial light." - Narrator

"The world has moved on." - Roland (though more say it.  This is one of my favorites.)

"Jesus Christ, when these DO shoot, they really blow holes in things." - Eddie

"You're a tower junkie, Roland." - Eddie

"God pisses down the back of your neck everyday but only drowns you once." - Henry Dean

"To pay hell is one thing.  But do you want to own it?" - (I forget...such a good quote though T.T)

"Well, what was behind door number one wasn't so hot, and what was behind door number two was even worse, so now, instead of quitting like sane people, we're going to go right ahead and check out door number three.  The way things have been going, I think it's likely to be something like Godzilla or Ghidra the Three-Headed Monster, but I'm an optimist.  I'm still hoping for the stainless steel cookware." - Eddie

"If we were going to rape you, you would be one well-raped woman by now." - Roland

"Control the things you can control, maggot.  Let everything else take a flying fuck at you, and if you must go down, go down with your guns blazing." - Cort

"The thunder of his own guns filled him with stupid wonder." - Narrator

"See the TURTLE, ain't he keen?  All things serve the fucking Beam!" - Eddie

"The Gunslinger let me drop, and that's the truth; I still love him, and that's the truth." - Jake


"Why does the dead baby cross the road?  Because it was stapled to the fucking chicken, you dopey fuck!" - Eddie

"Oh, Christ.  I left the world I knew to watch a kid try to put booties on a fucked up weasel.  Shoot me, Roland, before I breed." - Eddie

"I have no opinion.  No, none at all.  Opinion is politics, and politics is an evil which has caused many a fellow to be hung while he's still young and pretty." - Cuthbert

"And really, what could be so special about the number nineteen?  Mystery Number, indeed." - Eddie

"No one DOES live happily ever after, but we leave the children to find that our for themselves." - Roland

"The whole worlds was losing its shit, going nineteen." - Jake

Video Games:

Tales of Symphonia:

"Don't die, Lloyd." - Kratos

"Lloyd, don't make a mistake." - Kratos
"I don't quite get it, but I got it." - Lloyd.

"You're are prisoner.  Don't try anything funny." - Lloyd
"I like to think that I'm smart enough not to start trouble when I don't understand the situation." - Regal

"No one stands a chance against the great Zelos!" - Zelos
"You mean no one can stand you, right?" - Lloyd
"Lloyd, that was seriously harsh, man." - Zelos

"They're all so violent." - Regal (OH, puppy!)

"Burn baby!  Eruption!" - Zelos

"You shall not pass!" - Regal (I did die.  I laughed for like 20 mins.)

"It looks like I have a strong affinity for falling down holes." - Sheena

"Don't do anything you'll regret..." - Kratos

"Oh...hey, Lloyd?  If you abandon me here, I swear I'll come back to haunt you." - Zelos
"...I just had the sudden, violent urge to abandon you." - Lloyd

"You've walked right into my trap, fools!" - Yuan
"He just called you a fool." - Lloyd looking at Zelos
"Zelos is...clumsy." - Presea
"Gah...I am so sad now." - Zelos

"Feel the pain....of those inferior beings...as you burn in hell!" - Kratos

"It's a...washtub?" - Lloyd
"Yup, it's a washtub." - Genis
"Washtubs, hmm..." Kratos

"Even I make mistakes.  I made a terrible one..." - Kratos

"Our weapons are Love!" - Collette
"Justice! And..." - Genis
"*sighs* Hope..." - Kratos

"What was that enemy's name?" - Raine
"I like Poochie!" - Collette
"No, dear.  I meant the species." - Raine

Just because the logic is sound, doesn't mean it's right." - Lloyd

"Why does the topic of conversation always goes out the window when talking to Collette?" - Regal

"That was so cool, Sheena!  Man, I wish I could conjure Summon Spirits too!  And say cool things like: 'Burn to oblivion!'"
"Knowing Lloyd, he's more likely to end up setting one of us on fire." - Genis
"...What's that suppose to mean?" - Lloyd

"What is this ominous light that threatens to engluf us?" - Regal

"I can see the education level in Sylvarant matches the status of the world." - Regal
"*blushes*  Uh...I guess you can say that!" - Lloyd
"Lloyd...that was not a compliment." - Persea

"Da...Kratos?  Are you really okay?" - Lloyd
"...Looks like I failed to die once more." - Kratos
"You stupid jerk!  You can die anytime!  But when you die, that's the end!" - Lloyd
"You want him to live in eternal damnation?" - Yuan
"Who said anything like that?  What will you accomplish by dying?  Nothing!  There is no meaning in dying!" - Lloyd
"...You're...right.  To think, I had to have my son teach me such an obvious lesson." - Kratos

"Not the face!" - Zelos

"I'll show you powerlessness...Indignation Judgement!" - Genis

"Awwwww yeaaaaah!" - Zelos

"Is it a sin to be weak hearted?  Not everyone's strong.  Not everyone can stand being despised." - Mithos

Persona 3:

"Who's the man?!" - Junpei

"I know that much.  I can't carry this guilt forever...I'm getting tired of it." - Akihiko

"Oh man...I completly overslept.  Why did I stay up al night watching that supid movie?  Did you guys see it?  It had these giant amazon women running around in the jungle..." - Junpei
"Why would I watch that?" - Akihiko

"Midnight's just around the corner, huh?" - Death (I think)

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time:

"Bah, I told you this was a waste of time." - Albel
"I don't remember you saying that." - Nel
"Me neither." - Albel

"Learn to doge, fool!" - Abel

"Too late for regrets." - Cliff

"It's not the great who are strong, it's the strong who are great!" - Albel

"It doesn't matter how many maggost you've got!  I'll crush 'em all!" - Albel

"I'm in the mood for some good, clean violence." - Albel

"Just another worm." - Albel

"Wait a sec.  I'm not getting too strong, am I?" - Cliff

"I'm a one man wrecking crew!" - Cliff

"The whips on this planet hurts too." - Cliff

"Death waits the overconfident.  Remember that." - Nel

"Oh-ho a real fight!" - Fayt

"Now you see me, now you don't!" - Fayt

"I don't know if I'd call it nervous.  It's more like you're really freaking me out." - Fayt

"You're nothing but a collection of 0's and 1's." - Luther

Suikoden 2:

"I don't care about breeding.  A sword doesn't need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp." - Luca Blight

"We are no longer Knights, but we still posses our hearts and our skills.  Surely that will aid you." - Camus

"Riou and I haven't betrayed this country.  This country has betrayed us.  I won't forgive this." - Jowy

"Life is a long song, but the tune ends too soon for us all." - Kinnison

"Breaking a pledge...breaking a pledge of loyalty is a Knight's highest disgrace.  But...but I am...I am...I AM!!!  I AM a human first and a Knight second!!!  I don't need you title!  I resign myself to your disgrace!  But I will never forgive you!!  I can never look idly by while lives are being thrown away!!!" - Miklotov

"Listen up.  Follow my orders and do as I say and we can defeat the Highland Army.  Don't believe in me and you're the loser.  If you want to win, don't question me again.  If you can't do that, I'll consider you an obstacle that needs to be removed." - Shu

"If it means protecting you, I'll do whatever is necessary." - Shu (oh god, him and Riou make me happy.)

"Fighting's like gambling, if it looks like you're going to lose, ya just run away." - Tai Ho

"I go anywhere the wind blows and the dice rolls." - Tai Ho

"By the great lion on our flag!" - Viktor
"That thing is a lion?" - Apple

"Ha ha ha ha ha!  It's like you have a wife already!" - Viktor
"...You'll pay for that, Viktor." - Flick

Suikoden 3:

"A true tatician knows that 'winning with a few over many' is simply a pipe dream." - Caesar

"How precious are your beliefs without the backbone to accomplish anything?" - Geddoe

"Chaos would suit me just fine." - Yuber

"I simply desire a good fight with plenty of blood and the scream of they dying." - Yuber

"Just who are you?!" - Chris
"Relax, I'm  not anyone strange or anything!  But, I can't really tell you who I am." - Nash
"That's pretty strange all by itself." - Chirs
"You're right." - Nash

"My good Apple, if you continue to be such a bookworm, your legs will atrophy and fall off." -Ceaser
"What would I do without your pleasentries?" - Apple

"They...were too strong for us." - Hugo
"What did you expect?  They're evil.  I've never known evil to be weak." - Lily

"Who has time for ladders?" - Luc

"It's pretty sad when you think about it.  The sun sets everyday and we know this.  But how often do we take time to ever see it and experience its beauty?  My missus gets fed up with me for 'wasting the whole day just looking at things'.  She says that's why I'll never amount to much in this world." - Nash

"Ummm, Romeo? Why did you come here? It's no big deal for a ninja, but for a normal person the orchard walls are high and hard to climb. And this is a place of death for you considering who you are." - Ayame as Juliet

"I pretend to leave, and then... SURPRISE ATTACK!" - Ayame as Juliet

"I'm... I'm heading back inside." - Chris as Juliet
"A THOUSAND times the worse to want your light. If you say that you love me, please let me see your face once more." - Lucia as Romeo
"The producer sent me back on stage." - Chris as Juliet

".........Romeo, Romeo!!! Why are you Romeo? Deny your father and refuse your name, and I will follow suit." - Hugo as Juliet
"I... I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I'll... Um... I mean... ...... never mind." - Goro as Romeo
"Aah... Ummm.... Romeo? Why have you come here? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place death considering who you are." - Hugo as Juliet
"One way or another I made it in." - Goro as Romeo
".............." - Hugo as Juliet
"Really." - Goro as Romeo

"Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, and I shalt do the same." Child Viki as Juliet
"You're... you're not just putting me on, right? Because if you're just bluffing, I'll... I'll.." - Eike as Romeo
"Oh, Romeo? Wherefore comest thou hither? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place death, considering whom thou art." - Child Viki as Juliet
" ..... Don't try to change the subject..." - Eike as Romeo

"In case you didn't get it, I'm playing the sheep. Baa..." - Nash as the Sheep (in "The Shepherd Boy")

"I'll never do this again. Baa... Baa..." - Nash as the sheep (in "The Shepherd Boy")



"Yeah?  When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45." - Sam
"Well, what was he suppose to do?" - Dean
"I was NINE.  He was suppose to say, 'Don't be afraid of the dark'." - Sam
"'Don't be afraid of the dark?  What, are you kidding me?  Of course you should be afraid of the dark!  You know what's out there!" - Dean

"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" - Sam
"I'm twenty-six, dude." - Dean

"Hey, Dean.  What I said earlier about Mom and Dad, I'm sorry." - Sam
"No chick flick moments." - Dean
"Alright...Jerk." - Sam
"Bitch." - Dean

"So, fake U.S. Marshall.  Fake credit cards.  You got anything that's real? - Officer
"My boots." - Dean

"We've got work to do." - Sam

"'Kids are the best'?" - Sam
"I love kids." - Dean
"Name three kids you even know." - Sam
[long pause and Sam walks off] "I'm thinking!" - Dean

"Liar.  See, I was up at three and you were watching George Foreman infomercials." - Dean
"What can I say?  It's riveting TV!" - Sam

"What?  What's wrong?" - Sam
"Well, I kinda have this problem with, um..." - Dean
"Flying?" - Sam
"It's never been an issue until now." - Dean
"You're joking, right?" - Sam
"Do I look like I'm joking?  Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?" - Dean

"Just try to relax." - Sam
"Just try to shut up!" - Dean

"Hey!" -Sam
"What?" - Dean
"Say it in Latin." - Sam
"Yeah, I know." - Dean
"Hey!" - Sam
"What?!" - Dean
"Uhh...in Latin, it's Christo." - Sam
"Dude, I know, I'm not and idiot." - Dean

"What time is it now?" - Dean
"Oh, about 5:45." - Sam
"In the morning?!" - Dean
"Yup." - Sam
"Where does the day go?" - Dean [sarcastically]

"Why did you let me fall asleep?" - Sam
"'Cause I'm an awesome brother.  So, what did you dream about?" - Dean
"Lollipops and candy canes." - Sam [sarcastically]

"So, did you find anything?" - Sam
"Besides a whole new level of frustration?....No." - Dean

"I'm insane, right?" - Charlie
"No.  You're not insane." - Dean
"God, that makes me feel so much worse." - Charlie

"Hey, night vision?" - Sam
"Do I look like Paris Hilton?" - Dean

"He's got issues with you.  You got to go to college.  He had to stay at home - I mean, I had to stay home - with dad.  You don't think I had dreams of my own?  But dad needed me.  Where the hell were you?" - Shapeshifter Dean

"Oh, sorry!" - Dean
"Be quiet!" - Sam
"Me be quiet?  You be quiet!" - Dean

"Your, uh, half-caff double vanilla latte's getting cold over here, Francis." - Dean
"Bite me." - Sam

"Right!  Right, like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bow hunting." - Sam
"Bow hunting's an important skill!" - Dean

"Besides, we we're good at it, it's what we were raised to do." - Dean
"Yeah, well, how we were raised were jacked."

"The question is, why bugs and why now?" - Sam
"That's two questions." - Dean

"All right.  I'll go if you're scared.  Scared?" - Dean
"Flip the damn coin!" - Sam
"Call it in the air, Chicken!" - Dean
"I'm going...don't drop me." - Sam

"Let me just say, we accept home owners of any race, religion, color, or...sexual orientation." - Larry
"We're brothers." - Dean

"We accept  home owners of any race, religion, color, or...sexual orientation." - Real Estate Agent
"Right.  Um, I'm going to go talk with Larry.  Okay, Honey?  [smacks Sam on the ass]" - Dean

"Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I'm going to whack you with a spoon." - Missouri
"I didn't do anything!" - Dean
"You were thinking it." - Missouri

"You Know, I love the guy, but I swear he writes like freaking Yoda." - Dean

"Hey Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?" - Dean

"I told you, I looked everywhere.  I didn't find a hidden room." - Sam
"Well, that's why they cal lit hidden." - Dean

"So, how do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?" - Kat
"It's kind of our job." - Sam
"Why would anyone want a job like that?" - Kat
"I had a crappy guidance counselor." - Sam

"What Dad 'wants' doesn't matter!" - Sam
"You see that?  That attitude?  That's why I always got the extra cookie." - Dean

"You know, my brother could give you this puppy dog look and you'd just buy right into it." - Dean

"The scarecrow crawled off it's cross?" - Sam
"I'm telling you, Burkitsville, Indiana - fun town." - Dean

"How'd you get here?" - Dean
"I stole a car." - Sam
"That's my boy!" - Dean

I'll add more later~

lyrics, quotes, funny

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