Can someone help?? T.T

Jul 14, 2008 16:27

Damn Movie Maker is acting up again.

Alright, I just got a laptop computer cause I'm going off to college and Dad wanted to keep the desktop at the house so we can stay in touch that way too.  I, personally, had no problem because it's a piece of shit garbage.  So we went out and an freakin' awesome one but, it has Vista on it and I always here people cussing about it.  So far, I've had no problems with this computer untill I try to make an amv using Move Maker 2.6.

I downloaded this so that I may keep making amvs in my spare time at college and down at home when I'm there.  The MAIN PROBLEM is that it will not play the selected clips in the time line.  When I uploaded an episode on to it, it automaticaly makes clips (which is good) and if I click on them, they'll play in the little preview box.   But the moment I drag them down to the timeline and try to play it that way, they won't play.  No video, no sound, hell, the dial thing doesn't even MOVE.  Now, the music works fine by itself but the moment you bring a clip down, it ruins everything and won't even play that.  I've checked the clips and they all play by themselves and they're all AVIs so I know they can be put on Movie Maker, so does anyone know the problem??

Oh, and I have another problem...though it has nothing to do with this...whenever I try to go to full screen mode (either on youtube or on movie maker) my whole screen just goes black and plays the audio.  T.T

Any help would be AWESOME and I'd love you forever and ever!!  <33

Please, please help if ya can.

help, amv

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