So, my head's a sieve. If I need to do something, I'd better damn well do it when I am told / remember about it because if I don't, it is not going to happen. Being on stupid pills mixed with no-sleep levels of manic and stress from dealing with random bitch attacks from my sister... well, I'm sure you get my point.
Along with this, I apologise to the >90% of my journal f-list who's not on DW as well as LJ; the site was being a jerk to me again, so I couldn't use it past cross-posting through DW. Hell, half the time, my computer couldn't see that even exsisted.
The gist of this? If I owe you something, you need me to do something, or anything else, please don't be afraid to tell me point-blank on here. I can semi-work LJ again and will be trying to catch up with you all.
Thank you for your understanding if you have even a little; I am fully aware of what a special case I've been the last while and I am going to do my damndest to improve.
edit: (aprox. 2h later) I've finally changed my LJ layout, which I've been meaning to do for at least 6 months, but probably needed doing for a lot longer then that. If it's too girly, juvinile or offends you visually in any other way, please feel free to tell me.
I fully admit I do not have the best judgement right now.
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