well, this is encouraging

Mar 31, 2011 11:47

"Abuse of prescription stimulants is higher amongst college students than non-college attending young adults. College students use methylphenidate either as a study aid or to stay awake longer. Increased alcohol consumption due to stimulant misuse has additional negative effects on health. Methylphenidate's pharmacological effect on the central nervous system is almost identical to that of cocaine. Studies have shown that the two drugs are nearly indistinguishable when administered intravenously to cocaine addicts.
Methylphenidate (re-direct from "Methylphenidate HCl") page at wikipedia.org
Y'know, I've allowed my friends' insistence that most of the site [wikipedia] is going to be correct to usually trust it (at least, as much as any website), but right now, I'm wishing I didn't believe it. I mean, I knew it was close to cocaine*, and a friend and I joke about it being our 'school crack', but I really didn't want conformation.

*Concerta is pretty much a condenced form of Ritalin, which is made from similar stuff used to make cocaine, but it's got at least two points of variance so I like to pretend that it's mostly just joking around.

This entry was cross-posted @ http://fai-dust.dreamwidth.org/27654.html

|.the internet is terrifying.|, |.prescription stoner.|, |.personal.|, |.i don't even know how to respond.|, |.my body thinks it's 80.|

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