million things to say, none of which are connected

Feb 10, 2011 13:39

(still at home, still seeing things, going a little extra crazy because I am at home)

1. "The first thing the Warren Commission found is that it is easier to reach a predetermined decision if you overlook pesky distractions. These include unreliable witnesses who might testify to things that don't fit in with your theory, physical evidence that hasn't been planted medical evidence that hasn't been altered, Mafia co-conspirators who haven't been rubbed out yet, et cetera." [UFOs, JFK, and Elvis by Richard Belzer (pg.33)]
It is the shit. Awesome, funny, cynical and in no way meant to be taken compleatly serously. More info here.
2. While looking for a quote from a children's book (which I still haven't found), found this site and ended up making a profile. Yay books!
- I haven't decided if I'm going to add series, because it would take a while to find 8-16 books per series, or TV-related books (BtVS, Star Trek, ect.)
3. A while ago, my grandmother started to read "cowboy books", most of which she buys at the drugstore. A few months ago, I realized that was code for "porn, set in the wild west".
4. From grade 11 'university-level' chemistry: "Dylan and Harper, ionic, MX (polar)". Somehow, this is a way to remember chemical bond types. It was expanded to include stuff for my college Organic Chemistry class, which may be rembled about later, when I find the post-it and feel like doing so at the same time I remember I wanted to.
5. "Calm down?! I am wearing sunglasses at night! You know who does that? No-talent douchebags." I don't follow Supernatural, it just got too dark and continuity-based for a show that didn't start out as either. But I remember my sister watching it ages ago when I was in the room and every time I remember this line, it sends me into giggles. Last year, I told a classmate about it (after class) and a guy (an adult in the class) overheard me and yelled "Are you dissin' H?", really offended. Now, I have my own obsessions, but really, I never actually said who Dean (and by extention, I) was talking about, so that's really rather sad.
6. ...uh, actually this one is quazi-related to #5, at least in my own brain... "...Beyond the series, Bono is especially notable for being an Irish guy on a sci-fi TV show not played by Colm Meaney." Because it's very true and while Colm Meaney is awesome, so is Mark Sheppard. (The quote is from a page that used to be on Wiki Frakr, but, along with most of their best pages, broke, and had to be retrived from the web.archive site here.
7. At least once a week, when I get serious-brain, I think about making a "happy-thoughts" comm (yes, I just made that up) where a weekly challange is something like "post an image of a cute animal" or "a quote related to (x)", usually non-fandom specific and no upsetting shit allowed. Then I think, what would be the point? I mean, I could probably wrangle a few friends into co-mod-ing it with me, but would anyone other then me actually get anything out of it?
8. I fould my cell phone, which I lost at least six months ago, a few days ago! I knew it was somewhere in my room, but I couldn't find the damn thing until I was looking for the power coard to my extrenal hard drive. Which I still have to find, but whatever.
9. I miss The Bridge. I know there are a bunch of cop shows out there and most have a very similar concept, but this was one of the few that didn't. Also, it gave a different perspective to the police force. Granted, it wasn't always a positive one, but that's how life is. I mean, I respect and am greatful for the work the police do, but there are always going to be people who mess up, are stupid, and even corrupt, no matter what job they do. And the acting was really good, too.
10. "This is the New York that I love-- the one you never see on a postcard." / "Now, there's an untapped market; tranny hooker postcards." Is 'tranny' ('trannie'?) an offensive term? I've heard people say it is (well, read people say so, mostly on S-D), but usually, when I hear the actual term used, it's mostly just as a lazy way of saying transsexual.
(...and by the way, Blue Bloods is awesome. Watch it!)
11. Why is it that LJ & DW mood images have 'drunk' as an unhappy face but 'crazy' as a good one?
. .

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|.there is no point to this.|, |.geekdom.|, |.braindump.|, |.rec.|, .awesome: richard belzer, |.personal.|, .awesome, |.other places i reside.|, |.i may have said this before.|, .quotes, |.ooh.look.shiny.|, |.point form is best.|, |.question.|

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