flash update

Nov 17, 2010 00:05

(1) still fighting with my computer
(2) thank you to everyone who weighed in on yesterday's freak-out; I have taken it all under advisement and will reply to you individually by email (since I can't comment on my own frigging journal!)
(3) I have handed out almost all Marvel Secret Santa assignments, and will get the last two out ASAP (I am just waiting to hear back from the two people who said they would be interested but I don't have a form from; they have until 8:00AM tomorrow my time (it is 12:09AM now) and then you'll get yours regardless) - because of my delat, the due date has been moved up to Dec. 20th
(4) -TMI?- Atavan is both a wonderful and horrible drug. Why can't everything be as amazing&effictive as Seroquel?

This entry was cross-posted @ http://fai-dust.dreamwidth.org/12574.html

|.i am the center of the universe.|, |.personal.|, |.fandom.|

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