ymresource entry - Laurie Collins (Wallflower)

Oct 02, 2010 12:41


Updated ymresource with Wallflower's profile.  I also made the graphics for the rest of the New Mutants squad, so I have no reason to put off making their profiles. Should have them up by tomorrow evening.

Also also, I finally got around to creating my fanworks journal, and thanks to fullmetal_cute's help, I was able to use the header I made for it (also, on ymresource)
http://community.livejournal.com/fangirlpixie/  |  fangirlpixie 
Now, if I can only figure out how to move an entry from my journal over to the comm (with the feedback), I will be compleatly content.

. This entry was cross-posted @ http://fai-dust.dreamwidth.org/875.html

marvel - wallflower, |.[ymresource].|, |.site updates.|, fandom - comics, marvel, |.fandom.|

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