gay decorator gene

Sep 12, 2010 21:16

I still have a lot of things to catch up on, internet-wise, but I couldn't not do a silly post on this. It's all Uncyclopedia's fault for making me notice this. (Because I always have to blame someone for my fandom-ness. Not credit or thank, blame. Even when I am very happy about it.) Well, I first heard about them when I read Announcements (a very silly gen fic by Telcontar), but I didn't give it much attention until I found the Uncyclopedia Sheppard page.

John Sheppard has sparkly curtains in his room. Seriously. Look for them next time; they're there. I know it's unfair to assume anything from them, but come on. It's too much. Of all the reasons people come up with to justify Sheppard slash, it's like a blinking, neon sign. It's amusing. I know, I know, small things/small minds - I don't care. It's funny.

|.geekdom.|, stargate, stargate - sheppard, |.fandom.|

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