
May 04, 2014 10:44

By which I mean I'm writing this post while I listen to a lecture on paediatric palliative care and prepare myself for the next lecture on child protection services and child abuse. Somehow all the really depressing topics got crammed into this week of the diploma.

I spent yesterday cooking non-stop and stocking up the freezer, because we've definitely hit the kind of dark, blustery autumn weather where when I get home from the gym, all I want is to be able to pull a container of sweet potato and spinach dahl out of the fridge and reheat it. I also made sausage rolls for the first time! It was 200% easier than I thought it would be, and the recipe I used (lamb and haloumi sausage rolls with both fresh mint and mint sauce in the mixture, mmm) was delicious. So now I have a shitload of those in the freezer, along with some virtuous breakfast muffins (bran. lots of bran.) and the dahl.


(makes 24. a serve of 4 with a salad on the side is a good lunch or dinner.)

500g lamb mince
1 cup fresh breadcrumbs (I used dried because I don't have a food processor, but I imagine fresh would create a better texture)
1/4 cup mint jelly
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint
200g haloumi, grated
2 garlic gloves, finely chopped (or 2 tsp of the garlic mince you keep in the fridge because you are lazy)
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce (or 2 tbsp, if you misread the recipe like I did. still tastes fine.)
3 sheets frozen puff pasty, thawed
1 egg, lightly beaten
salt and pepper
sesame or nigella seeds (optional)

- Preheat oven to 180C.
- Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
- Mix lamb, breadcrumbs, mint jelly, mint, haloumi, garlic and Worcestershire sauce in a bowl. This is more fun to do with your hands. SQUIDGY.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Divide mixture into 6 equal portions.
- Cut each pastry sheet in half. Form a mince portion into a long sausage and place it lengthways on a pastry rectangle. Brush the edges of the pastry with a bit of cold water and then roll up the pastry around the sausage, sealing the edges.
- Repeat until you have 6 long sausage rolls. Cut each one into 4 smaller rolls.
- Place rolls sealed side down on the baking sheet, and brush the tops with beaten egg and srinkle your optional seeds of choice over the top.
- Bake for 30 minutes or until puffed and golden.

READING: Halfway through Carol by Patricia Highsmith, and also reading Parasite by Mira Grant. I am doing very little reading, though, apart from occasional comfort rereads of the fanfic collection on my Kindle.

WATCHING: I have six whole episodes of Hannibal S2 lined up for once I've finished my lectures today. It's gonna be amazing. I have S1 of Homeland waiting to be started, and I've been on-and-off making my way through Lost Girl because it's ideal to watch while cooking. Next time I go home I'm going to nab my dad's DVDs of The Wire and rewatch S1 because like an idiot I'm writing a casefic and I need some inspiration re: surveillance systems and drug rings.

WRITING: The casefic is for Brooklyn Nine Nine. It's actually TROPEFIC but I need to at least make sure the balance of ridiculousness to police work is similar to that on the show. I'm also tapping vaguely away at other things, but I have no idea at all which of them will be finished in what timeframe.

As an example of that: I finally, FINALLY posted the Hannibal AU which I had been working on for...a year? I am the slowest. Apparently not everyone in fandom shares my unconditional love of circuses; a lot of the comments have been on the 'I almost didn't click on this' variety, which probably indicates a large chunk of people who scrolled on by because of the circus thing (WEIRDOS) but I'm more or less satisfied with how it turned out :)

no hope of falling down (22940 words) by Fahye
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Abigail Hobbs, Jack Crawford, Freddie Lounds, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Circus
Summary: A circus should be a series of miracles, barely scraped into existence. Will Graham is the celebrated aerialist of Cirque Dalmau; Hannibal Lecter is a new arrival with dangerous hands and more than a few secrets.

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writing: fanfic, hannibal

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