(no subject)

Feb 13, 2014 20:29

It's a bit sad that the thing spurring me to post in my actual blog for the first time in MONTHS is...being in a house where the internet connection is so bad that Tumblr is nigh-on unusable.

How to catch you all up. A list? Let's go with a list.

1) First & foremost: I am no longer a hospital doctor! This is slightly saddening but on the other hand, it means I am a first year GP registrar. I am working in two locations on the south coast of NSW for a year (a family practice, and an Aboriginal Medical Service). It's lovely down here, my supervisor is a fantastic teacher, and I think it's going to be a good year.

1a) Correction: it's going to be a good year once I buy myself some eye-gougingly expensive proper pre-paid internet instead of relying upon this shithouse wifi.

2) Next year I plan to go back to Canberra (where my precious baby brand-new apartment should then EXIST and be ready for me to FURNISH; the number of interior decorating magazines my eye has already been drawn to is not healthy) and split my time between working part time as a GP and -- fingers crossed -- part time as an academic attached to the Divison of General Practice at the ANU Medical School. This is contingent on me coming up with a research project and getting some funding for it, but it means I get to TEACH which is my main goal as far as that position is concerned.

3) I have to sit College exams in a year's time. And also sit some paediatrics exams in December, because like the foolish child I am, I decided to do a distance Diploma of Child Health through my old medical school, USyd. There will be a lot of studying this year. A LOT.

4) I'm going to the gym again. It's painful. I am very unfit. By buying a whole year's membership at once, I qualified for the honour of turning up at the ludicrous hour of 8am on Saturday (whhyyyy) so that someone wearing lycra can tell me just how unfit I am in exquisite detail and probably try to talk me out of eating carbs. Hahahah. Funny joke. NO.

4a) In fact, right at this moment I am more than halfway down a packet of Sour Patch Kids, because apparently Coles sells those now?? I saw them in the confectionery aisle and emitted an actual, audible sound somewhere between a squeak and a gasp. Part of me thinks I should have bought the entire shelf just in case they are a delicious hallucination, never to appear again.

5) I am so into the Winter Olympics it's not even funny. OF COURSE, this corresponds with aforementioned terrible internet precluding me from watching all of the on-demand stuff on the Ten website. Instead I have been trying to watch as much figure skating and hockey on the live TV channel as possible, which is limited by the fact that all the good stuff seems to happen when I am asleep. Last night I passed out trying to watch the US-Canada game and therefore missed the exciting final period; tonight I am going to go to bed early and then maybe get up at 4am like a MORON to watch the Canadian men's team crush Norway like a bug.

6) Since writing and submitting an original short story for an anthology (I have less than zero idea if it'll be accepted; it was written in a massive rush and it's a bit SILLY, but man, have I missed writing silly) I have written...pretty much nothing. Adjusting to everything else that's new and difficult in my lfie has swamped me, for the moment. When my head's above water again I'm sure I'll be writing again.

6a) In that vein, one of my resolutions this year has been to be kinder on myself about failing to do EVERYTHING AT ONCE like I am always, always convinced I should be able to. Full-time job? Studying for two separate sets of exams? Exercising every day? Cooking dinner every day? Maintaining a social life? WELL OF COURSE YOU CAN FIT IN WRITING THOUSANDS OF WORDS PER WEEK AS WELL AS ALL THAT, YOU PATHETIC LAZY CREATURE.

Thanks, brain. You're the best.

7) This may be a help or a hindrance, but: I'm drinking a LOT less than I was in Canberra, which is good, because I was drinking far too much.

8) READING: umm lots of Georgette Heyer as ever. Frances Hardinge. A fun anthology of short stories about mad scientists in which I am loving and detesting stories in approximately equal measure, which is always a good way to experience an anthology. And I'm about to start Patricia Highsmith's Carol.

9) WATCHING: well if I had internet (are we sensing a theme?) I'd be up to date with Brooklyn Nine Nine, and I am increasingly excited for the second season of Hannibal and the wondrous insanity of the Hannibal fandom.

10) I think that's more than enough for now. HOW ARE YOU ALL?

This entry was originally posted at http://fahye.dreamwidth.org/778066.html (
comments). Comment wherever you wish!
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