A Scandal in Belgravia

Jan 03, 2012 14:18




God, it started SO WELL and there were so many things I LOVED (Mrs Hudson, Lestrade, remote crime-solving in a bedsheet, everything to do with Mycroft Fucking Holmes) and Irene! was! winning! and then it all fell in a bloody heap of sexist crap.

WHAT SOPHIE SAID, basically.

(Hi Soph! I stalked your tumblr because I knew you would bring the coherent and intelligent commentary where all I have right now is capslock and tiny impotent fists of rage.)

Also, I have to believe that Molly is secretly amazing because the alternative is that she is shockingly written and the writers don't give a shit about her (hahah, yes, so unlikely). Therefore my mental canon for her will forever be this fic, and that whole lipstick matching the fucking wrapping paper debacle was her messing with him.

Augh. AUGH. I'm just going to go -- rewatch the first half and then write reams of fic about Mycroft. Yes.

This entry was originally posted at http://fahye.dreamwidth.org/752104.html (
comments). Comment wherever you wish!


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