oh the embarrassment

Feb 16, 2011 12:41

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.

Oh dear. Oh...dear. The great majority of these come from a subfolder called 'Hiatus', which is code for 'will never actually be written, not in a million years'.

Feel free to ask me about any of them!

Black Oxen letter
cartography of falling
chess & mys au drafts
larklight thing
SGA misc
Boardwalk (Blackpool & WitB)
Sixty Percent (Bones)
All My Blindnesses (BSG)
Same Old (BSG)
starboard drift (BSG)
the neurosis of destiny (BSG)
This Never Happened (BSG RPF)
ten jack (DW)
Incline (GO)
The Night Is Always Young (Hellsing) [omg. I can't believe I still have a copy of this.]
Initial Symptoms (House)
Not In Our Stars (HP)
Only By Default (HP)
praying to the penates (Iron Man)
miss the train before (Merlin)
the diseases of autumn (Merlin)
the sky (Merlin)
long night au (Pworthy)
Lacunar (SPN)
boy with a coin (SPN-Bones)
other relevant information (STXI)
Love & Rhetoric (TMHS)
and then unto you (TW-DW)
do not collect (WC)
Undertakings (WitB)
Perspective (WK)
Painted From Memory (X)

writing: memes

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