
Jul 10, 2010 21:23

Just in case I needed another reason to adore schiarire, she has sent me all of ~CAPITAL SCANDAL~ which has basically everything you could ever want in a TV show. Swing dancing! Revolutionaries! Extremely ridiculous hats! Even more ridiculous suits! Many many guns! Crossdressing! Doomed love! Wacky romantic misunderstandings! SUPER HOT COURTESAN ASSASSINS! Okay, just one of those.

bookelfe did a fantasic pimp post here so I refer you to that. Suffice it to say that I am already 6 episodes into the 11-episode series and I am completely entranced by the Shakespearean nature of it all. And the clothing.

I really should look into watching more K-dramas.


Also under the heading of 'amazingness': this Subnormality strip on the creative process. IT IS ALL TRUE. Especially the many 'self doubt' cul-de-sacs featuring crushing spikes of doom.


Less amazingly, OH MY GOD IT'S SO FUCKING COLD. I am making pot after pot of tea just to keep myself from spending the whole day under the covers with a hot water bottle.
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