oh for a life of crime

Mar 23, 2010 17:25

Update on med school: having bid my first eight-week medical term a fond goodbye, I'm now doing my eight-week surgical term. (After sixteen weeks we are finally deemed worthy of A WEEK OFF. It's not until May and I'm already counting down.)

Currently I'm attached to the Ear, Nose & Throat surgical team, which is so far from what I find interesting that it's almost laughable, but the consultants so far seem willing to teach, and tomorrow morning I get to watch some cochlear implant surgery, so that'll be good.

Plus there are the assignments (HATE) and the online population medicine modules (WHICH I KEEP FORGETTING TO DO) plus study group plus lecture recordings plus keeping-up-with-current-attachment (ie. frantically revising head and neck anatomy) plus hey girl! look at all this stuff you'll need to know for this year's exams! which you should have been studying in all the time you've been taking to read Pamuk and watch House and nap and sometimes bleed a dribble of words onto a page! BAD LIFE DECISIONS THERE.


And now we're going to segue into some hair-pulling about money. You can skip it.

You know what I miss? Shopping :( I haven't walked into a shop other than Coles in a very long time, because I am the world's worst window shopper: I don't like being in shops without the vague, comfortable knowledge that if I run into a pair of earrings or a book or a DVD or a pretty shirt on sale or -- I don't even know, what do people spend money on that isn't food or choir fees or bus tickets or shampoo or print credit or phone bills? NOTHING. NOTHING. shopping is a lie. -- then I could exchange some money for it and it could be mine.

My bank account is perilously low because I can't refuse to go out for a friend's birthday dinner, and I can't not buy my sister a birthday present, and I have said no to a lot of performances but I can't pass up on seeing John Bell play Lear, and considering how many weeks I was in Sydney before my job started up again and how many weeks of outside-Sydney placements I have to do this year, I am not even going to earn enough to balance out the amount of money I've spent so far this year. Wonderful.
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