slightly belated!

Mar 13, 2010 11:44

1. Stop what you're doing. Print Screen.
2. Print screen your current desktop.
3. If you have Photoshop open, print screen.
4. If you have a music player open, print screen.
5. Pick a folder, open it, print screen.

- I am militant about only having a few tabs open at once, otherwise I can easily spend half a morning just clicking and clicking and clicking. Google Reader is opened once in the morning and once in the evening, and then closed again. The three visible tabs are those that are always open: Gmail, the flist, and my medical course website.

- Also open: a playlist of fanvids! Currently a Sherlock Holmes one to the Carbon Leaf song 'The Boxer', which I WANT LIKE AIR if anyone has the mp3, btw.

- Minimised in the dock: two stories I am working on and (somewhat optimistically) refuse to close until they're done.

- Background picture is by Garance Doré, as far as I recall. I am not one of those people who believe in uncluttered desktops; I like to have a small central picture surrounded by the detritus of my insane life, as something of a reminder that there are always things for me to be doing.

- Top left: things I look at often
- Down the left side: some folders of medical school stuff
- Bottom left: icons to sort into folders
- Top centre: evidence that everything technological in my life is currently named after Ji's revolutionary eyai
- Top right & down the left side: er, miscellany? If it's there then I need to do something with it, or read it, or it's reminding me to do something. Included are Diane Duane's essay 'Meetings on the Stair' because I like to reread it periodically, and the list I'm keeping of my embarrassingly slow attempt to read 50 books by people of colour, and an article by Lionel Shriver on demography in literature which is hanging around while I ransack its references list for my own reading purposes.
- Centre right: pictures to sort into folders, largely things saved from various fashion blogs
- Bottom right: WIPs! The only two that are currently active are 'Domjules' which is, predictably, my eyai romcom fic, and the Ouran one, which is close enough to finished that it is pissing me off. 'do not collect' is an idea for a long White Collar fic, 'pick your apple' is a half-finished HP fic I'm writing for pogrebin, and 'owned' is, er, the first two pages of an original story that would be perfect for Nano if I ever had a Nano-sized length of free time and slightly more knowledge of a) World of Warcraft and b) the geography of Sydney. The other one is the 4th chapter of my Merlin fic >__< cryyyy

- The way the 'Current' playlist works: if I get something new or I'm listening to something a lot, it goes on there, and when the playlist is CD-length I arrange the tracks into a good order and rename it and put it in the 'Mixes' folder. And then the Current playlist begins anew. This one is very boppy so far, although the Amanda Palmer song means that I will need to add a few more slower ones for it to not be completely unbalanced.
- 'One artist' is pretty self-explanatory; if I'm lazy and want to just listen to my Whitlams songs on shuffle, I dig out that playlist.
- 'Themed' is full of a lot of really, really random playlists. Some of the themes make more sense than others.
- 'Writing' contains my primary writing playlist (called 'Suture' after the story which necessitated its creation) and a few shorter ones created for particular stories.


- Anatomy: all of the anatomy lectures from the first two years of the course.
- EBM: Evidence-Based Medicine. Assignments and lectures about analysing research articles and assessing the level of evidence for things. Boring but important.
- Electives: paperwork for my planned elective terms in London and Canberra.
- GP: currently just paperwork setting out my preferences for my Community Medicine rural placement in July.
- Honours: HAHAHA. NO LONGER. I made the very good decision of backing out of this, and although the perfectionist overachieving part of my brain is still disapproving, the rest of me is VERY HAPPY.
- Past papers: lots and lots of past exam questions.
- MSK radiology: oops, that should be somewhere else -- it's a lot of Xray images I was putting together for my study group.
- OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Examination, the clinical exam I did last year; lots of summaries of clinical and procedural techniques
- P&D: Patient & Doctor. I am not actually sure what's in there at the moment.
- PPD: Personal & Professional Development, BANE OF MY LIFE. Assignments and tasks and reflective writing on things like medical ethics and patient experiences.
- Stages 1 & 2: this modest folder contains ALL of the lectures, PBLs, study notes, EVERYTHING, from the last two years
- Stage 3 CC: the lectures and learning topics for this year & next year, along with some very long and scary documents telling us what they will expect us to have learned by the time we graduate/what could be on the exam, ie. everything ever.
- PopMed: Population Medicine. Assignments on public health.
- The various documents floating around include a summary sheet I put together for the Clinical Reasoning Session I had to run, some summaries of pharmacology (at which I suck) and a whole lot of paperwork about next year's terrifying Long Case clinical exam.


DO THIS MEME, it's great.


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