dot points

Mar 26, 2009 22:46

By some miracle, I have tomorrow morning off. No lectures. I can sleep in. That's enough of a reason for me to break my posting-hiatus briefly, so:

- I can't remember who linked me to it, but this article by Zadie Smith on the importance of speaking with a flexible voice is fantastic. I've only ever read one of Smith's books but I adored it and mean to hunt down the others. And look, this article talks about Shakespeare!
Will had seen too many wild-eyed martyrs, too many executed terrorists, too many wars on the Catholic terror. He had watched men rage absurdly at rood screens and write treatises in praise of tables. He had seen men disemboweled while still alive, their entrails burned before their eyes, and all for the preference of a Latin Mass over a common prayer or vice versa. He understood what fierce, singular certainty creates and what it destroys. In response, he made himself a diffuse, uncertain thing, a mass of contradictory, irresolvable voices that speak truth plurally.

- I am still writing snatches of things, here and there, when I have the energy for it. My newest eyaiverse story keeps sprouting characters like nobody's business, my History Boys fic is encouragingly close to being finished, and ryokophoenix and I have hammered out a few more plot points for the heist AU (though really the plot doesn't start until the end of the next chapter, so I have no excuse not to write that).

- Mel has also started showing me Lie to Me. I am ridiculously hooked. I want nothing more than for Cal and House to be meet and be terrifyingly intelligent, perceptive assholes at each other.

- Someone just walked under my window singing a very passable version of ALW's Pie Jesu. Heh.


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