travelganza part 1 - Singapore

Feb 07, 2009 01:08

Holy fucking shit it is unbelievably hot. And there are mosquitoes in my room. I have sprayed Mortein everywhere and am waiting for them all to DIE; there is nothing, nothing I detest more than mozzie-whine in my ear as I try to sleep.

(It was 40 degrees today. They think it might break a 40-year record by going over 42 this weekend. I am getting the hell out of here tomorrow and going back to my beloved Sydney where it is forecasted to be seven degrees COOLER.)


ryokophoenix has made the first of many, many posts containing photos from our trip! She has done a wonderful job of culling, formatting and uploading them, so I will simply link you to her posts and you may drop comments whereever you please.

photospam, travelganza

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