A list of things currently shitting me off!

Feb 05, 2009 21:36

(because I do try to stay positive)

1. THE HEAT. Not too bad indoors thanks to the aircon, but my laptop is ridiculously warm and is making my hands sweaty. It's going to be 39 on Saturday, so as you may imagine, I am SUPER KEEN about the prospect of being stuck in the car for four hours.

2. Also THE SUN, which is threatening my beloved pasty whiteness.

3. My little Clio has had an engine cylinder die or something because she is shuddering at low revs and accelerating with all the enthusiasm of a tired sloth and creeping up hills only with the speed of the same. This is the first driving I've done in months and months and I'm doing it in a senile car.

4. My five AU characters are simming along nicely, but even though I am getting to know them well and I adore the premise of my fic, I am unable to write anything. Bet you any money the words come flooding back the day after I start second year med.


Okay, unrelated -- I am thinking of getting an iMac (no input needed here, believe me, I am SO EXCITED at the prospect of maybe being able to finally make the millions of fanvids currently residing in my head) AND a teensy portable laptop for use in lectures. The latter needs to be highly portable but with a keyboard large enough not to drive me insane, possess a long battery time, and run basically Office and Firefox. Does anyone own such a thing? Or know of a good brand?

inquiring minds

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