Best irony yet: being lectured about the adverse effects on health & cognition of sleep deprivation. Including the words caffeine should be used pharmacologically and not socially.
WE'RE MEDICAL STUDENTS. WE KNOW THAT ALREADY. And I must say I had a very enjoyable cup of pharmacologically applied caffeine this morning, along with a blueberry ricotta cake.
Anyway, apart from joining the rest of my cohort in trying not to make eye contact while we're being told about how much we should be sleeping (haha. haaaaaaa.) today I've been bossing my major Med Revue item into shape. I think my habitual need to write the violence out of my system has been partially silenced for the moment by a) writing two Doctor/Master fics in close succession, and b) exerting my authority via the medium of choreography and dance training.
And trying not to think about how close the next RFA is.
Oh, and reading
this fic.
'New Dawn Fades' is a long (no, really: LONG) and ruthless and beautifully complex Doctor/Master AU set after S3. As Aria said: it has JACK and ROMANA and DINOSAURS in it. And huge amounts of interesting ideas and unpredictable plot twists and really, really hot and disturbing mindporn. I haven't been this impressed by a fanfic in months. Maybe years.
Instead of trying to vocalise my opinion for the second time I'll give you my eventual feedback to the author, edited to avoid spoilers:
I've read this over the past couple of days, off and on, frustrated by Firefox chucking occasional tantrums and the fact that I had to keep rushing off to class or rehearsal just as I was hitting the seventeenth Most Exciting Bit Yet, and now that I've finished it I'm still collecting my thoughts -- and to be honest, pinching myself a bit: I can't believe something like this existed without someone having told me about it before
ariastar made excited noises at me, it's just so brilliantly constructed and encapsulates so many of the things I love to see in fanfiction. I love that you took your time with the plot (plots?) and I'm almost sorry that I didn't read it more slowly, to savour many of the scenes in the way that they deserved.
I've been throwing adjectives around in my head and I think the best ones I can come up with are 'visceral' and 'relentless'; this fic just powers onwards, dark and driving, and every moment of darkness has a moment of perfect hope or joy or realisation to balance it out.
I loved the moments of ridiculous humour. The Master's thought processes. The dinosaurs. The looms. The scientific intelligence and world-building that shine through everywhere. Pretty much EVERYTHING that took place inside someone's head. Jack. The careful, painful, rewarding way you destroyed and analysed and then rebuilt the psychology of darkness and need.
I'm going to be rereading this a lot, though perhaps not until my next exam is over; I don't think making embarrassing squeaking noises whenever words like 'dorsal root ganglion' appear really counts as studying for medical school, somehow :)
This experience.
Thank you.
If you're not convinced yet then there is no hope for you. GO. READ IT.