my fic -- 2007

Jan 02, 2008 20:22

Favourite fic overall:
This may be a strange choice, but that would be No More To Leave It. I fucking LOVED writing this fic, I loved how it turned out, and I am hugely proud of the concept. I think the emotions are strong, and the prose is good, and the allusions are clever. Pity it's depressing and bizarre and not McShep every community I posted it to had it tagged as 'character death'. IT'S NOT. IT'S NOT. Humph.

Other assorted favourites:
This year's grand success was certainly turn your sail (never say we die); it was so much fun to write, to a soundtrack of Up Is Down played seven million times or so, and the words matched the images inside my head to a degree that doesn't happen often. I also really like Twelve Pater Nosters -- this one gave me the jitters, but it managed to hit just about all the things I wanted to comment on about the film itself, so...I was pleased. I will never write anything as stuffed full of meta as Eleusis; it was exhausting, but worthwhile. Daddy's Gonna Buy You A Looking Glass is another one that was everything I wanted it to be, and probably the one I'm most proud of in terms of character voices & development. Healer will probably be my most-representative-of-the-year fic, celebrating as it does both the end of the HP saga and my own sudden obsession with anatomy, and I am very fond of the prose. And I think I also need to mention no sleepers must sleep, because I really enjoy ficcing out sidelined characters (*coughSamAnderscough*) and this fic was just as dirty and decadent as anyone could desire.

Most underappreciated:
Through no real fault of its own, Take to witness all the gods. It's a weird and disturbing fic, there's no doubt about it, and I guess I should learn not to pour huge amounts of time and effort into weird and disturbing fics.

Most fun:
Considering that we spent 24 hours in my room giggling and passing laptops back and forth and gleefully finishing each others' scenes and making high-pitched exclamations like WAIT WAIT I JUST HAD A STROKE OF BRILLIANCE! AGAIN! I think the honours for this title were won fair and square by Those Journeymen Divine.


the moon tonight is an anachronism -- not very good. fair warning.
Distillation -- Milliways-ethereals sestina.
Spirits -- I can't believe I've only written one sonnet this year.
your red lines -- I...don't think I'll ever write anything better than this.


Essential Singularity (Fade Out) -- co-written with schiarire, featuring Thom, Lucifer, and my own much-abused OC, Thomas. Some commentary here.
Fundamental Harmonic -- the sequel!
Thomas/Melody -- in which Thomas meets someone normal. PRAISE GOD.

Miscellaneous drabbles

Buffy/Starbuck for shati
One-sentence fics
Personal canon meme
Timestamp meme
First kiss meme

(arranged by fandom)


Mordred/Galahad -- for tahira_saki


Collated 5 things fics -- my first attempt at writing this fandom.


Adama/Roslin drabble -- for agonistes
Kara/Lee drabble -- for elly427

Those Journeymen Divine -- the Cylon Pilots epic by stars_like_dust and I.
Eleusis -- my intensely meta post-Maelstrom fic (DVD commentary is here).
Set Light To Me Some Surprising Day -- the one in which I managed to find sympathy for Dee.
A Sunny Day In Tartarus (The Nameless Things Remix) -- written for the RemixRedux ficathon.


Ask Me How -- my Yuletide fic for pocky_slash.

Doctor Who

Mendelian Inheritance -- creepy-awesome Doctor/Master with regeneration sex. Um.
no sleepers must sleep -- my attempt to fic out Lucy Saxon.

Doctor Who/Stargate: Atlantis

The Holes in the Ground -- the Doctor & McKay, for the Multiverse challenge ficathon.

Hard Core Logo

Twelve Pater Nosters -- Bruce & Billy post-film.

HMS Praiseworthy

Ada-Sophie backstory drabble -- written for Ji's Pworthy drabblefest.

House MD

five ways it could happen -- written in response to the CAMERON KISSES HOUSE spoilers.
Take to witness all the gods -- the House/Cameron/medical ethics AU with drugs & kidnapping (DVD commentary here).

Harry Potter

blythely's 'Corridors of Power'-verse Harry/Draco -- for setissma, who introduced me to that fic.
Triofic -- set during DH, for dopplegl
Concoct -- a Sirius ficlet that I really need to rewrite and polish.
Healer -- George/Padma written for hpmugglestudies.


A More Excellent Name -- Grace-Lucifer futurefic.

Ouran High School Host Club

Daddy's Gonna Buy You A Looking Glass -- long crazy futurefic featuring cohabitation and sex pentagons. UM.

Pirates of the Caribbean

turn your sail (never say we die) -- epic post-movie CAPTAINS TURNER romance, featuring rum & lots of dead people.

Slings & Arrows/due South

New in Amity, pt 1 -- still in-progress! Written for brynnmck.

Stargate: Atlantis

Elizabeth Weir throws parties -- ficlet for liminalliz
Impromptu McShep -- for setissma.
No More To Leave It -- weird & wonderful Elizabeth/Sheppard/Atlantic fic.

Sports Night

five gifts casey mccall has given dan rydell -- a birthday ficlet for villainny.


Give a Little -- my deeply disturbing response to the S2 finale.
Snegurochka -- written for setissma's winter drabblefest.

Stealth/The West Wing

Brief ficlet -- written for bantha_fodder.

Ugly Betty

My Friday Smile -- written for hobviously after viewing four episodes, I am bewilderingly proud of this.

The Wasteland

What the thunder said -- Kenneth futurefic!


In conclusion...I will never write anything original ever again, sigh. But I am pleased at the variety of fandoms I wrote in this year.

writing: memes, writing: roundup

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