icon meme - take 3

Oct 25, 2007 12:47

Just a couple that unravels slipped in :)

[dexter] textual sins
by impulstanz - ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine patris

This is indeed the titular character of Dexter, in the neutral/nonplussed shot that is used at the very end of the awesome opening credits. I actually have no clue what the overlaid text is, but the effect is impressive, and the omnia/omnes is enough Latin for me to randomly associate it with confession of sins - the comment is a section from the Latin confessional mass, bringing absolution in the name of the father, which I used because Dexter's foster father Harry Morgan and his careful training/blessing of Dexter's lifestyle is one of the great things about this show.

[rp] sophie - midnight speed
by flip18 - keeley hawes fixation? what? never.

(Getting it out of the way: yes, okay, Keeley Hawes fixation. WHATEVER. She's adorable and she's in things that I like and she's dating Matthew Macfadyen which is the best. thing. ever. *squishes them together*)

This icon doesn't actually have anything to do with Ms Hawes or any of her characters, though - I'm using her as my PB for Sophie Tzilah, the time-travelling trauma surgeon of the rather good ship hmspraiseworthy. I have icons of all of my RP characters, and I liked this one because of the colours and the quiet, nighttime feel to it. The keywords are actually from the last sentence of something pointless I wrote in a notebook but have never posted...here's the relevant part:

Everything is glass; everything reflects; everywhere and on every facet of every building you see cars and their headlights, disappearing into the side of one skyscraper and reappearing - upside-down - on the second floor of the next. Invisible roads everywhere. It's the future, you think: the cars move in three dimensions now, and in every direction, and at any moment one could drift past your window in a blurred flash of red tail-lights and midnight speed.

Which doesn't have a whole lot to do with Sophie herself, but it suited the icon.


I also need to amend my commentary on this icon:

The keywords are 'we melt up from the ground' and I said that I'd just made them up, but yesterday I realised that this was a lie! They are actually from Live's 'Sweet Release', which is such a Life on Mars song that I'm shocked that I forgot about it.

And if we die tonight
Take our leave of this plastic place
We come through the door of time
Fly away
Up to better times


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