sciencesciencescience. that should be a tag.

Sep 26, 2006 21:18

Whew. I just glanced at the clock and realised that ever since I got home from uni and finished dinner I've been shifting my gaze numbly from my microbiology textbook -> lab manual -> Wikipedia -> lecture notes -> PubMed articles -> my Word document in which I am attempting to make sense of bacterial genetics and come up with a decent explanation for why tetracycline resistance & enterotoxin production in the S. aureus isolate are co-conjugated on a plasmid rather than being transduced via phages. Because I can see that they are and it makes sense but my explanation of why this is so...makes no sense at all.

(Yeah, okay, gratuitous jargon-dropping, but it's actually all very useful stuff about why some strains of pathogenic bacteria are resistant to antibiotic treatment. I got all distracted on Wikipedia reading about necrotizing fasciitis.)

Anyway. I am developing a rather insistent headache, so time for a break, I think. A break consisting of hot chocolate and some more Scrubs S4, which I am enjoying enormously.

ETA: I find myself in URGENT NEED of Josh Radin's song 'Closer' - can any of you lovely people help me out?

uni eats souls

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