Spinning poi to Cirque Du Soleil

Apr 26, 2006 17:17

The five best things in life, in no particular order


Sleep is pretty nice too.

Some things that are not good:

1. Teen angst. yeah, it's about prom again. Unforuteatley i feel like i'm being silly and prideful to even hope. Most of my friends have just pared off (girl girl) and dont' een consider the possibility of an actual date. Am i just crazy? Or is completley fruitless optimism a good trait?

2. Falling self esteem: Does this fall under angst as well?
I don't feel cute at all anymore, at least alot of the time, and it's not because of any physical reason. It's just a perception thing i think. I don't always know how well liked i am, or if i just annoy everyone. (I'm not looking for compliments here at all, by the way, because really, my logical brain is fairly sure that i am pretty much doing well in most of these areas. but whatever it is (not enough sleep, wierd brain firings, i don't know) I just don't feel as confident in life as i used to. Maybe it's a good thing. It's easier to be humble.

3. Messy rooms. Mess in genral. Neat freak that i am, my room has been awful for several monthes now because i ahve not time whatsoever. Gah!

4. People who yell at you for not having shoes on. Anywhere. It's annoying and silly, and they really shouldn't be required!

5. I can't find my watch. (that probably relates to number three)

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