Aug 25, 2008 20:46
dearest friends,
i know. i know. i just made a zine ("crazy with good intentions") & you should buy/trade it --but. i'm ready to make - err, start -- another. however. i need yr help. for a large part of the zine i want it to be about dentistry. here is where you come in handy!
what do YOU want to know about dentistry? what questions do you have? what would you like to read about when it comes to dentistry? the right way to floss? the truth about "silver" fillings? tips for great home care? low cost dental care? what toothpaste is best? why does ___ cost so much? why do _______?! why i got into dentistry? etc.
i am begging you. please message/email me yr questions. please? help me nerd out with my silly nerdy dental ways. i want to include information that people want to read about.
& please. please. pass this on to yr friends.
love yr nerdy dental friend
wyatt riot