(no subject)

Mar 30, 2007 02:42

This was one of the most interesting articles I've read in a while - you never think about the little things. Or the big things, as it were - I recently saw the verb "Googled" in a published source. That kinda freaked me out. Then I thought about how people in high school right now were born in the 90s and I got freaked out even more. Then I saw this 30 second clip from Robot Chicken and felt better.

I think that starting a paragraph with "'Come on,' said an incredulous Ruston Henry" is the best way to start a paragraph. Why would you quote someone saying 'come on'? And, Ruston? Rust-on-Henry? In reality I'm sure it's Henry Ruston. That sounds better/less funny. Incredulous is one of those words that journalists don't understand but bet each other that they can use more in a certain week. I've heard that that happens, or maybe I made it up.

I was going to write a livejournal post about "awareness" and I mean that in a completely different way than you probably are thinking. It might come at some point. It is, of course, completely self-centered.
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