it's 2:30 am.... and i can't sleep due to anger

Feb 13, 2008 02:20

i want to help or contribute to the preservation of this world
the life we live today wouldn't exist
if it weren't for every past generation of great minds and innovators
of course that is to say in the privileged world.... at least

but i can't feel helpless and small in this world that's run by old idiots.
so many americans- the high ones with the big salaries that they worked really hard to get the right to exploit others to make their money... maintain their power
they should be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
they are raping the planet.... it's like rape not being for the sexual pleasure of sex, but for the kind of power one feels when they have the power, the ability to get what they want- and no matter how much the other fights back, sanctions, "structural adjustment", and military presence will weaken the soul of people in the world so that  we succumb to U.S. hegemony.
all empires fall
the question is when and how... we know where and why.

of course i have privilege..... how should i use it is the question.... it's everyone's our question.

i'm angry... but i don't want to be that victim, yet i am a human and i empathize with the human struggle....
i feel like these idiots are ruining the privileged life i was given.... how can i be so selfish to want it for myself.... then where am i different.... many ways i'm sure.... but still i don't know if there's a real good way to deal with my beliefs....
where's the median, where's the peaceful way? how do i find real peace? how does the world continue to exist AND get better for future generations?
That thing Yoda said about hate and fear and anger and something leading to the darkside ( i don't remember the order, but we all get the gist)... I don't want that, I don't want to hate neocons so much (but it's SOOOO HARD) that i become something sad and ugly
But their presence in our policies is apparent and affects my life, the world, and our future... and yours too.... how can you blame me if i want revenge... if i hate

can how i embrace a future that i'm told is so bleak, yet still have hope to achieve something and not destroy my soul?
i'd like to major in that concept; i'd pay $60,000 for that degree.

i don't know if i feel better. i do know one thing...
all you need is love, the love you make is equal to the love you take
say the word and you'll be free...  the word is love.

i love a lot, but some very real things are impossible to love.... what to do with those...

blah, i need sleep.
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