Mar 24, 2005 16:19
Well today didnt quite get up until like 12:30, no surprise but DAMN....anyway, for the past week i have been doing absolutely nuttin and u would think that would make me go out of my mind but NO, i actually dont mind staying in the house, just can wait to go back to school on monday <--Did i just say that? oh well! well today after i took a shower, washed hair, ate, i was just here listening to music, because eveyrone is at work and i am home alone (love that movie/s) and then i saw a couple papers on the floor that i picked up and before i knew it i was freaking cleaning the whole damn room after i was done i went into my closet, went into my hamper, thought to myself when did i wear all these clothes, so i decided to laundry, YES i was that bored...SO while the laundry was being done, i cleaned the bathroom..scrubbed the tub and cleaned the toilet, then i vaccumed-- so yeah i ended up cleaning the whole house by myself,while the radio was blasting, i think thats what so proud!i just finished about half hour ago, and tired as hell, ill get over im here again with nuttin to do and about to get bored VERY soon!...ill be back on lAter..see y'all soon my darlings! *~peAce!~*