Oct 24, 2004 11:05

Carnage: 420 = California police code for "Marijuana smoking in progress." C'mon people, at least try to figure these things out.

jake: 420 comes from an HP Lovecraft short story whose name eludes me. Basically an astronaut type of guy encounters a spiky, time warping plant. He looks at his watch and notices that it's 4:20.

luxo: Sorry Carnage, 420 is a term coined by the 'Waldos' from San Rafael High School, see the story in Wired.

Datamancer: ok ok, enough of this...the expression 4:20 comes from the island of Jamaica. In Jamaica, the workday ends at 4pm, so every day, after work, everyone would get together at around 4:20 and blaze

BroknWrong again. Want the truth? Check this link.

xplicit: 4:20 stands for april 20th but its not just hitlers b-day its also the day bob marley died which him being the biggest pot head there you go

smokeweedeveryday: You're all wrong, 4:20 means, let's get high right now, nothing more, nothing less, speaking of which, i think it's just about that time.....

Anonymous: nice shit.. 4:20 was actually originated by a group of hs students in california who smoked every day together when people caught on they smiplely decided to say 420 as it was the time of day of tokin

tane: 420 is the call sign for a drug bust over police scanners

noemail: 419 was already taken by the "get ready to get high" crowd

S0mE0nEsMiNd: WAnt the real truth? I believe out of all you retards 2 people got it. Its not about bob marley...some stupid teens who smoke pot...Its the police code for smoking marijuana, look it up kiddies.

Ketaset: Seriously grow the f*ck up It doesn't matter where 420 came from. It's the time of day and year all the cannabis smokers light up in unison. However 420 didn't come from police code... That's one of the dumbest things I've ever herd of. Police adapted it from the cannabis culture and now use the code 420 for a marijuana related crime because it was a easy way to identify it.
Underground Network Forever

annon: 420 is the number of chemical componds in THC (weed)

Y1n_X1: 420 having anything to do with the date doesnt seem to make much sense unless you are smoking for those who died like at the Columine shooting on April 20

HeyItsCory: Isn't 420 /0x1a4 and not /x01A4? Well my coding may be rusty. Also, every theory on this page is wrong. In the early seventies a group of teenagers calling themselves the "Waldos" created the term to talk about it in front of their parents without getting in trouble. Now you know. And you call yourselves potheads... sheesh. I like the myth about jamaicans getting off of work at 4PM and walking home, thus talking about 4:20 in the same why we'd talk about 5PM... Bob Marley Died April 11th, 1981.

harley: I hate to burst bubbles but 420 is not a police code for smoking pot, anywhere at anytime. You CAN look that up. Check out also for more information. Also, there aren't approx. 420 chemicals in THC, there is 315 documented chemicals.

textral: xplicit, HeyItsCory: Marley died on May 11, not April 20. 4/20 is my birthday, so I kinda checked. ;) After exhaustive (read: minimal) research, I've found the most 'believable' references to the origins of 420 to be the one discussed in the URL frequently quoted above.

smart455punk: Hey peoples 420 came from berkly when they decided to make number identification for drugs one day, i used to know the numbers for cocaine and LSD but yeah i have forgotten them since the numbers for those arent really used.

kimchee411: "noemail: 419 was already taken by the "get ready to get high" crowd" Actually, 419 is known as "Bicycle Day" in remembrance of the day Albert Hofmann discovered LSD. He tripped out riding his bike home when he couldn't handle being at work anymore. =D

klbt2004: 420 = LAPD's 4-20, the code for mary jane.

SilentBob: not to mention april 20th is national smoke out day (no joke), however its meant to be the day when people stop smoking cigarettes. Teens took it as lets go smoke out today.


Ill Shirt Me bye/
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