(no subject)

Dec 15, 2010 04:57

Me desagrada profundamente cuando escucho jóvenes de mi edad [mujeres], o estudiando mi misma carrera, diciendo que ellas van a trabajar hasta que tengan hijos, y que después se van a dedicar a cuidarlos mientras su marido las mantiene.
Siento que es un retroceso tan grande que dan ganas de abofetearlas. No se les ocurre pensar que quizás en algún  momento tengan  que valérselas solas, y que quizás para ese entonces les va a costar muchísimo volver a encontrar un trabajo, aunque tengan una buena carrera, porque van a estar más viejas y no van a tener la experiencia laboral suficiente para que las contraten.

It makes me feel horrible when I hear girls of my age, or even studying the same career as me, saying that they are going to work only until they have kids. That they're going to stay in home and take care of the children while their husbands bring the money home. It makes me feel like they're steping back, they are giving up rights that got years for the woman to achieve.
They doesn't seem to think that maybe, someday, they are going to be by themselves, and when that happens it's going to be so much hard to find a job, even if they studied good careers, because they're going to be old, and they'll lack of the requiered experience to have chances of getting hired. 

some things make me angry

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