Mar 31, 2009 12:03
I'm changing up my daunting to do list so it's less daunting. :)
-My car needs a little work and a lot of it is stuff I can do myself for very little money.
-I need to be in Seattle with Matt for a court date to settle a disagreement with our former land lord. This gives me the opportunity to see some Seattle friends and go to some favorite restaurants. (The trial itself will probably be a cinch. Matt's got our side of it fully documented.)
-I didn't get signed up for classes for this term, but luckily PCC has another quarter coming up very soon so I can take some time to set things up with less stress.
-I'm lucky enough to have friends who have helped me set up things so I can have a nice apartment near people I love. I need to write the application and send it in.
-Replace unhealthy vices with an addiction to tea or something equally innocuous. (Or as I told Stacy last night, tea and crackers!)
-I get to learn how to fix or replace the hard drive on my PC. Geek girl, FTW!
-[undisclosed location] Pretty damned fabulous, if you ask me.
-I need to get a few health things dealt with and that lets me choose what kind of health care I want (within a tight budget)
bad things,
good things