[Character Information] CR Chart: Edward (IU)

Apr 30, 2011 18:49


✽ - Kolton: Dislike (1-5). This measures the level of dislike for rivals or enemies, though friends can get it if they irritate him often. Edward may either find you annoying or he may outright hate you.

☬ - Casandra: Information (1-5). This measures how much or little Edward knows about you; history, likes and dislikes, general character notations. One means you're mostly a mystery. The better he knows you, the more symbols you get.

☼ - Fayel: Friendliness (1-5). This measures how comfortable Edward feels with you. He may be still getting used to you, or he may feel comfortable talking with or even teasing you. Basically his thoughts on your friendship.

♔ - Halgita: Care (1-5). This measures how much Edward cares for you. It can be mild, platonic (green), familial (pink), or romantic (red).

♤ - Burguss: Loyalty (1-5). This measures Edward's likelihood of helping you; fewer means he could really care less, more means he would go out of his way to help. Maxxed out means he would give his life to protect you.



sigmund the liberator
Lord Sigmund- his hero, his savior, his Liberator. For a long time, Edward had an unhealthy obsession with Sigmund, and to some degree that fixation remains. But more than that, he's developed a more level-headed respect for the man- as a man, rather than a hero and a figurehead to be worshipped. Obviously he'll always have that hero-worship mentality, since it's pretty ingrained, but realizing that Sigmund has his flaws has been a rough but very necessary learning experience. Still, it changes little; Sigmund is still everything to Edward. Without Sigmund, he would be dead, and he may as well be for all the mental, physical, and emotional destruction he causes to himself and those around him. Edward loves Sigmund so hard sometimes it hurts. And it has hurt in the past, but especially recently; Sigmund's willingness to sleep with his female self is a blow to the ego that Edward's having a lot of difficulty dealing with.

"This changes nothing."

✽ / ☬ ☬ ☬ / ☼ / ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ / ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|


Sokka's sister, and a Master Waterbender; though she has the opposing element of his own, he greatly admires her power, as well as her good nature and (as far as he knows) quiet temperment. God help him if he ever manages to piss her off- he'll be in for a surprise.

Some sort of quote or other such thing.

☬ / ☼ / ♔ / ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|

katie mccoy
The Liberation Force's little live-in liar. Though she can be frustrating, Edward has a fair bit of affection for the girl; he loves children in general, and children who manage to bond with (and like) Sigmund are even more special in his mind. There's not much he wouldn't do for her, even if she does confuse the hell out of him.

"Oh, it was an epic battle. But he couldn't have done it without you."

☬ / ☼ ☼ / ♔ ♔ ♔ / ♤ ♤ ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|

Sigmund's student. Edward is sometimes uncomfortable around him, a mixture of jealousy and an uncertainty of what it is exactly that Richard wants out of him, but he doesn't mind the guy. They seem to meet under bad circumstances, though.

Some sort of quote or other such thing.

✽ / ☬ / ☼ / ♔ / ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|

sokka (thunderaxe)
Edward's closest friend in Luceti. Not only is Sokka his fellow smithy worker and an accomplished blacksmith, but a friendly, approachable person, something that is mostly beyond Edward's capabilities right now. He tries, and Sokka's friendship helps him, probably more than Sokka will ever know. Even though Sokka is a tease and Edward often feels well out of his league when they talk, Edward treasures their friendship, and would be honoured to fight alongside Sokka if the need ever arose.

"Friends don't let a little thing like an experiment come between them."

☬ ☬ / ☼ ☼ ☼ / ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ / ♤ ♤ ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|

Edward doesn't know Winry very well, but what he does know is interesting, particularly about her skills with automail. He finds the very idea of it fascinating, and her enthusiasm for it is contagious. He'd love to learn how to make it himself someday. That aside, working with Winry is a pleasure, and he enjoys her company. He'd like to get to know her better, too. After the vermiform ordeal, her willingness to forgive him and continue working with him completely blew him out of the water, and even though she's fine with things as they stand, he's eager to do whatever he can to repay her for what he's done. It helps that she being eager to learn is rather endearing.

Some sort of quote or other such thing.

☬ / ☼ / ♔ ♔ ♔ / ♤ ♤ ♤

|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|


Some sort of quote or other such thing.


|x| journal |x| CR |x| meeting |x|

Code was a mangling of here and here.

More will be added over time; make a note here if he's missing someone!

(rp) luceti, [character] edward, cr chart

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