[Meme] Kyio's Luceti Q&A: Edward (IU)

Apr 30, 2011 17:44

Kyio's Luceti Q&A

1) Height: 6'1"

2) Weight: There's no official weight listed, but I estimate between 175-190 pounds, simply because he has a ton of muscle to cart around those bigass swords, and muscle is heavy.

3) Eye color/Hair Color: Ed's eyes are a really pretty blue, like his outfit, and his hair is black.

4) Age: It's been almost a year, so he ought to be 18 by now.

5) Voice: He's usually pretty disgruntled, but he can be nice sometimes, too.

6) Who does the housework in their house/apartment?: Edward probably does everything he possibly can to avoid making Sigmund, Katie, and Capell work, but how much he succeeds is anyone's guess. They probably delegate it as fairly as possible between them, with the exception of Sigmund. What is Ed good for if not dusting the house for his lord |D

7) Their favorite (and least favorite, if you want) foods and who does the cooking in their house/apartment?: Ed prefers good, hearty meats and fresh salads. HE HATES PEPPERS. WORDS DO NOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH HE HATES PEPPERS. Seriously, he has two separate titles devoted to his hatred of peppers. He also hates broccoli 8|

He probably tries to take care of the cooking since Svala left, since Capell's skills are questionable and Sigmund should not be allowed to even approach the kitchen. He doesn't make breakfast though, unless Sigmund's up for round two. ...OF FOOD I MEAN.

8) What they do during an average day in Luceti: He spends a fair amount of time at the smithy, or at home doing chore-related stuff. The rest of his time is spent practicing his swordsmanship. He's been working with his lunaglyphs more lately, trying to develop some new techniques.

9) Their general sense of fashion: Blue. Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Also: miniskirts. And assribbons.

Seriously though, Ed doesn't go much outside the norm of his day-to-day style; his typical outfit is this, and he has a couple of slightly alternate designs here and here, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

...He does like the cowpants, though.

10) Do they have any hobbies? Did they come up with these hobbies in Luceti, or was it something they always did?: I guess blacksmithing counts? It was more of a necessity than anything else back on his world - not only for the sake of getting more powerful weapons, but for raising money to be used by the Liberation Force. In Luceti it's become very much a hobby, because he has little else to do at the moment.

11) Has the situation in Luceti changed their view on certain topics/the way they react to different things?: Things are awfully different between he and Sigmund than he's used to, which is both good and bad. Edward isn't used to viewing Sigmund without those rose-coloured glasses, so to speak, but he's gradually adjusting. It's just really hard for him because it's what defined him for a long time. He's working on it, though, definitely. He's not as bad as he used to be.

12) Do they have a weapon? If so, do they carry it at all times or just under certain circumstances?: Yes, and yes. Unless he's getting groceries. He uses the biggest goddamn broadsword one can possibly carry, and he uses it well.

13) Who are their neighbors?: Residents in houses 35, 43, and 48. He doesn't really talk to anyone though. (Bastard needs to get out more 8|)

14) How long have they been in Luceti? Has that length of time impacted them in any way?: This is his second year in Luceti, approaching his third, though not consecutive. He hasn't changed... a lot, but he's slightly less starry-eyed about Sigmund than he'd like to be, as mentioned above.

15) Their favorite areas/stores/hang-out locations?: The smithy/weapon shop is definitely the top-ranking spot to be; he spends a good chunk of his days there. When he isn't at home, he hangs out in the woods behind his house or the Battle Dome toying with Order of the Chain simulations.

16) Wing color and how do they deal with their wings?: Ed's wings are a sort of off-black, a mixture of black and grey. He covers them up unless he's wearing something that would make them uncomfortable. In general he likes to keep them out of sight, out of mind- and protected, which is a plus.

17) Did they change or grow in any way physically since coming to Luceti?: Not really. He's not the type to relax easily and he hates change. He is happier, though most people wouldn't notice. He might have grown a teensy bit, height-wise, but he's pretty much at his peak.

18) What do they miss the most from home?: He misses Nana Svala ;A; Lately he's been missing more of the Liberation Force, too- he'd like someone he can talk about his issues with, eg. anything he can't bring up with Capell and won't with Sigmund. He has Sokka here, but anything related to their world is stuck mulling around in his head, and Edward knows that's unhealthy.

19) What does their handwriting look like? Do they write the way they talk, or is there a clear difference between the two?: His handwriting is neat since he was raised in a noble home, but not particularly significant in any way. The wording he uses is more formal than his speech, which is usually a mixture of formality and casual speaking.

20) Is the way they act in person different from the way they act over the journal system?: Edward is slightly more polite over the journal system, since it's easier to avoid acting like a prick when you're not talking face to face with someone for whatever reason. He's still a bit gruff and blunt, but overall he has an easier time avoiding offending people with the journal.

21) Did they gain/lose any personal goals during their stay in Luceti?: He lost the chance to kill Leonid, as he's pledged to do for a while now, and he gained the goal of trying to bring Sigmund home alive, assuming... Sigmund even wants to, of which Edward really isn't sure at all. He'd like to do it just as much for Capell's sake as for Sigmund's and his own, so he's hoping that if it happens Sigmund will accept it without hating on him.

22) Is Luceti a technological upgrade, or downgrade for them? Have they adapted to these changes well?: Ehh... pretty close, actually? If you wanna be technical, it's an upgrade because the Liberation Force lives on the road so much, but it's not really the case. They have teleporters, indoor lights, some other modern conveniences. It's an interesting balance.

23) FOR STUDENTS: What is their favorite class? What is their least favorite class? What about their general behavior in school?: N/A

24) Do they have any special talents? If so, what are they?: Besides his natural abilities with wind (since he was born with a glyph of Burguss), Edward is pretty run of the mill. He's really, really exceptional with custom designs when he's doing his smithy work, but that's more due to creativity and practice, so. /idk

25) Anything else you want to note?: He's usually wearing gloves, but without them, he has a lunaglyph on the back of each of his hands. Just a little tidbit.

meme, (rp) luceti, [character] edward

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