[Mun Business] State of the Muses #2

Nov 28, 2011 14:52

State of the Muses - November '11


character: truthget
series: Fullmetal Alchemist
tagging priority: ■■■■■: I still do his tags first, typically, unless the others have so few that it would only take a couple of minutes to tear through them. It depends on what threads are happening at the time.
muse strength: ■■■■■: Sob he is so noisy. He won't leave me alone. I got so used to having a ton of tags for him that it felt weird this week when I didn't have very many.
cast strength: ■■■■□: The cast is seriously awesome, just like before. Even better than before, actually. (WE HAVE AN ARMSTRONG, DUDE.) I adore my castmates and they certainly keep me busy |D I would still love a Hohenheim and an Izumi but I figure they're hard characters to play, so...
plotting capabilities: ■■■■□: Still tons of potential, though a lot of Ed's plotting capabilities right now are based on long-term goals. Once the event is over I'm going to start sending him out on missions on a fairly regular basis so that he can start racking up points for when Al can get his body back. I also still have a fair number of kidnapping/event effects I'd like to toy with at some point, so there's double security for him.
general fun level: ■■■■■: Ed is probably the muse I have the most fun with right now. Still.
likelihood of drop: □□□□□: I'm pretty stuck with this one...

character: wingenvy
series: Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core
tagging priority: ■■■■□: Zack's been bumped to second place, and lately he's had a ridiculous amount of threads. I have no idea where this sudden muse boost came from, but he is noisy as all hell and he's coming out to play.
muse strength: ■■■■■: ...Yeah this is forever unchanged. I am totally okay with this.
cast strength: ■■□□□: ...WE HAVE A CLOUD NOW. But Shikki's busy/on hiatus and Cloud kinda hates on him so things are forever awkward |D; It's a work-in-progress, though. We also have a Genesis now but Zack hasn't had a long talk with him yet, so I don't know where they stand.
plotting capabilities: ■■■■□: With Yuri back they're discussing Brave Vesperia, and there's a new project in the works, and the bar is as busy as ever... there is so much potential here, I can't even say. Plus he's getting a new sword soon (which will require a fabulously stupid name) and he's got a sexy girlfriend. Yeah, life is pretty good for the Fair man.
general fun level: ■■■■■: Lately I've been having a blast with him, moreso than usual. I'm cool with it staying that way.
likelihood of drop: □□□□□: I'm actually gonna go out on a limb and say never for once. 8|a But Zack is just that muse I never stop playing, so. Guess he's stuck here for the long haul again.

character: mirrorbirth
series: Tales of the Abyss
tagging priority: ■■■■□: I do his tags third, usually. But he never has that many, so if Ed or Zack have a lot I might pick his off first.
muse strength: ■■■■□: He's doing okay. I flounder sometimes but that's only because he's not chatty, and quiet types are always hard.
cast strength: ■■■■■: I have everyone I could ever want now ;A; Natalia and Ginji omg. I think all I need is a Noir to suddenly die of happiness.
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: Same as before? He's available and I'm always willing, but since his goals in Auldrant have been attained and he's dead anyway, he lacks the incentive to go home like everyone else, so he's just focused on living.
general fun level: ■■■□□: Asch isn't one of those characters I would call "fun", because it would be weird. I do love playing him, though, and I definitely enjoy it, so that's never a problem.
likelihood of drop: ■□□□□: I don't like saying "never", so I'm still gonna go with "very very unlikely".

character: notakor
series: 07-Ghost
tagging priority: ■■■□□: I've slowed down a lot with him. I kind of feel like he doesn't have very many friends right now, and threads with him are pretty slow even if I'm not tagging quickly, so that's caused a serious lack of incentive.
muse strength: ■■□□□: Mikage tags come easy, it's just a matter of starting threads. I've gotten so, so lazy with him again.
cast strength: ■■□□□: ...07-Ghost cast has me at a constant state of /UNSURE because we're all kind of quiet, but we grew a little this app period, so I guess we'll see where it leads! I should probably post for him soon though, boy's well overdue. Maybe once the event ends.
plotting capabilities: ■■□□□: ...Ehh. Mikage's one of those characters where plotting doesn't really factor in; he's the everyday man, good for everyday stuff. This can be both good or bad, and lately it's put me at a slight disadvantage. Not so much that I'd consider him in danger, but enough to make me question his lifespan again.
general fun level: ■■■□□: He's fun! He really is. But 07-Ghost is not. And I need to do canon review. But I don't want to read the manga. But the manga is my canon review. DO YOU SEE THE DILEMMA...
likelihood of drop: ■■□□□: I put him back down to 2, but I'm still faced with the same issue as before- I love the character, but I don't love the canon anymore. Couple that with the fact that scanlations are released so slowly? I just. Hrngh. I want to love it again but I can't, and it's made Mikage suffer.

character: sokkafangirl
series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
tagging priority: ■■□□□: I have to confess, I've left her way behind lately. She only has like 2 or 3 ongoing threads right now and I don't feel like making more.
muse strength: ■■□□□: ...UNSURE. Generally when I have to do her tags they come pretty quickly, but lately I've wondered if because of that she's started to deviate from how she ought to sound, so then I flounder, and then I think I should canon review, and then I go to watch stuff and I watch Buffy or South Park instead. Yeeeep. But Suki doesn't even have that much screentime anyway so then I'm like /DERP WHAT DO...
cast strength: ■■□□□: I think we're all suffering a little, and it's become noticable. For my own failings, I have no one to blame but myself- Suki wasn't close to anyone who dropped, not even Yue. (Or maybe especially Yue.) So I guess we both feel kind of alienated from what everyone else is feeling about the current Avatar situation.
plotting capabilities: ■■□□□: I... don't really know what to do with her. I'd pondered having her work on the potential wedding stuff, but Masa doesn't want to have the actual wedding happen anytime soon in Luceti and I'm more or less in agreement with it, so that's put those ideas to rest. But Suki's all excited about it now so I'm in a bind about how to ICly handle it. I guess they could just get constantly delayed or something, but idk.
general fun level: ■■□□□: Dunno what to say about this. Sometimes I have fun, sometimes I lineface at my threads. Suki is one of those insubstantial characters in canon and she's a lot harder to flesh out than Mikage is- I have so little to justify the choices I make that I worry about it, and everyone else seems to give the Avatar world so much more thought than I do so I feel kind of like a failure in that regard.
likelihood of drop: ■■■□□: I think she's suffering from my itch to drop and app someone else, and also from the fact that I'm iffy about having more characters again. So I'm in the same situation as last time, apparently.

character: companyf
series: Lux-Pain
tagging priority: ■□□□□: Um... well she kind of has no tags right now. She had a thread in the bar but I'm not sure what happened to it and now I'm like "...dunno what to do..."
muse strength: ■■□□□: I think she's still around- the thread I started with her was easy to tag, so it's not like she's dead or anything. The issue was that I hadn't adjusted to her voice properly and then I did that post for her that wound up frustrating the hell out of me, so I just sort of gave up on her.
cast strength: N/A
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: There's still the potential to establish Company F and do readings, though as expected she conflicted with Mikage's social/club corner and I wasn't able to get her involved in the student council like I wanted her to be. Also I forgot that November was a special holiday for her. /AWESOMEFACE. Overall I just kind of stuck at pulling through on ideas I have right now.
general fun level: ■□□□□: I know that she can be fun. Very fun, actually. I'm just not having fun right now because I'm not doing anything.
likelihood of drop: ■■■■□: I think she's on her way out the door. I've pondered giving her one last post to be sure, but then dropping the entry threads would be mean if I end up letting her go, and since she has no castmates or that many friends it's not like I'd have a reason to feel guilty about dropping her... I just haven't decided yet. I think what I really need is a canon review, and the problem is that I don't really feel like doing a canon review right now, and I don't feel like renewing her account either, and I don't want to play her with 15 icons.

HOWEVER. Depending on how things go with certain other muses, my free time, and if this Buffy obsession dies down enough to let me review some other stuff, I'll might end up reapping her. The idea of letting her go leaves me with the bad taste of missed potential in my mouth, and I don't like dropping the ball with her like this.


  • First of all, still pondering bringing in Faith from Buffy fame. Problems I'm having right now is a) I haven't voice-tested her and b) I still don't know how welcome she'd be. The idea of bringing in such a conflict-ridden character into a cast of players who know loads more about the canon is intimidating as fuck, and since I only know Zero, Shikki, and Aly and only Aly has a relevant character... orz... oddly enough I'm not too worried that Faith seems like she's not my character type, even though I guess she isn't... maybe that's what makes her fun.

  • Two concerns regarding the above, besides a & b: she's a very promiscuous gal, and she's a roaming type. Lately sex scenes have bored me so I'd be okay with FTB and leaving things assumed, but I don't know if people are bothered by that sort of thing- both the promiscuity and the assumption of sex. Is it sad that I've considered making a permissions post for young attractive men that she can find when she's got that little itch she needs to scratch? (It sounds terrible but fffffff it's Faith, come on...) The roaming type is harder to sort out, since hello, they wanna roam? But she's also been stuck in one place for months on end as well, so if she gets the stuff she wants the way she did in Sunnydale (in season 3 anyway) then she might do okay. And if not, even as a short-lived character I think there's a lot of potential for fun with her. Either way it would be another guiltless drop, which is why I'm inclined to try for it.

  • Remember how last time I said it felt weird to have only five? Well now I miss it. I really do. I think it's good that I'm letting Rui go, though I wonder if Faith will cause the same issue if I app her, but like I said, I don't think Faith is particularly long-term anyway, so I'm not as concerned. It does mean I need to sort out what'll happen to the rest of mine, which is an unfortunate but necessary fact.

And that is all.

state of the muses, (rp) luceti

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