Dec 15, 2010 13:41
I got to be a Right Evil Bastard (TM) on the road today. Driving from one jobsite to another on 66 (eastbound during morning rush, which is its own special hell to begin with) at the Sudley road exit (dunno the route #), I got an asshole. One of those "I'm so special, I'll pull onto the shoulder to cut around everyone trying to merge into 5 mph traffic just to get a couple cars ahead" types. (Don't you just love those?) Well, I decided that if he's willing to practically shave my bumper to get in front of me, he's willing to have me stay there for the entire trip down 66. Spent 6 miles no further than 3 feet from his back bumper. (Never touched him, either. \m/) Never gesticulated, never yelled, just kept the 'blankface' behind my sunglasses. (Most of you who've seen me in person should know the emotionally neutral face i can get sometimes.) After the first three miles, it was becoming obvious I was unnerving him. He kept looking in his side and rearview mirrors with increasing frequency, and eve had a few aborted attempts to change lanes. Once traffic cleared out a bit, he changed lanes, and slowed to pull alongside me. I could see him looking at me, yelling up a storm, and gesturing wildly at me, clearly upset. I just grinned. One of those big toothy smiles. But not with my whole face, just the mouth. Guy stopped yelling and pulled away. I felt quite satisfied with myself. (And in a much better mood now that I've gotten to vent my 'holiday blahs' so thoroughly at someone, which is an unexpected but welcome bonus.)