ok, ok, I filled it out for you, happy?

Feb 06, 2007 15:43

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: pat thai and fried rice
my two fav places to sit and read for hours, Thai Jong, and Peking. They do it up veggie and keep the cokes coming,
Literary: Keri Arthur, Laurell K Hamilton, new sci-fi stuff Keri is pretty good, while waiting for Hamilton. Harris is too southern white trash for my tasteAudiovisual: BBC's Hex fun show, I want a Thelma... if only I can see the whole series, inorder, it would make sense?
Musical: Depeche Mode, Dead of the Night, need I say more?
Celebrity: Rudolph Martin, Vincent Perez, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchet vampire, foreign guy with long hair... scary hot when mental- Girl, Interuptted- and a really, really, good actress... she can the rest of the list to shame.

Now I tag:-
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