Mar 19, 2009 16:05
Damn it, I was not hired to dust! I just got minorly chewed because I didn't do a good enough job on his office. "Who taught you how to dust??" Who cares.
Sorry for disappearing. Tuesday I called off work because I was just in too much pain. I was in bad pain Monday night...and then I got woken up from a dead sleep by my cat letting out the most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard a cat make. Then she was still making the noise and acting all funny, not letting me near her. I went and got Matt, and eventually she started acting normally. Matt thinks she had a nightmare. But basically I went from dead sleep straight to panic attack. Did NOT help the pain levels.
Yesterday I was actually steadily busy at work, so I didn't get a chance to post.
Still really painful. I can remember back when I wasn't in pain all the time. Seems like I got partially reborn...same life but different body.