Jan 09, 2008 22:13
So, one of the catches from Matt for getting me this laptop is that I have to start writing again. And the idea almost terrifies me. It's like I'm back in undergrad school, just learning the basics. So much has happened since I wrote last, which was in grad school. I graduated 4.5 years ago. Since then, I've had a complete mental breakdown and restructuring. I've also developed a debilitating illness that, among other things, affects my memory and thinking processes. So recently, in fact, that I'm still figuring out who I am now.
I wish I was still in some sort of writing program or community. But I don't have any money to enroll in a nonfiction workshop at OSU, and all the community workshops I can find are anything BUT nonfiction. I suppose I could start one, but I'm not exactly sure how or where to start.
A few weeks ago at Goodwill, I found something I've wanted for ages and ages...The Creative Whack Pack. I think what I'm going to start to do to get back into writing mode is to spend 15 minutes a day writing on a card I pull out of the deck. Just freewriting, but I might get something to work with...