my first night of class was last night
well algerbra 1
i left work at 4pm went home shower got dressed even put on make up and stuf, got my bag together left early, was so early i went to get a soda. then andy droped me off.
i got the days mxed up, and i was in thw wrong building.
went to the room, sat down looked around and saw the book was diffrent, asked someone what class i was in, some big word i was like opps
called my mom, got my schedaul walked to a bulding 4 buildings away. it was so cold my legs stung got the building, could not find the evervator and had to walk up 4 flights of stairs and find the class room, which was already in session
so we are talking about negitive and possitve numbers, crap from 6 grade that i ahve no idea about and everyone else has this bored look in their eyes and want to know if we can use harder numbers.
i wanted to die
realy, i was like omg i will never be able to do this.
after class i told my teacher i never got more then a 60 in any mathclass
told him i have ld's asked what caculator to buy.
i had time to kill before andy was going to be there so i went to the library and wanted to cry when i opened up to my homework
then i wanted to cry in the car when i told andy how it went
then i wanted to cry so i imed my very good frien
mushupork who exsplained it all in a simple way and bam the light was on
( thank you again wise ant, this is one grasshopper who is ever greatful)
then andy helped me fine tune it a little and i was able to do my homework
so maybe, just maybe i will suprise myself
money sucks, atlessed when you have none, and no real prospects of ever getting ahead.
got the brakes fixed so yeah, there goes all the little nub i had saved up and i dunno if we will even have the gas money to go see andys famliy in connectic this saturday. he wants to go so bad cause his cousin had a baby.
maggie amazes me so much, i look at her and get weak, could there be anything more beautiful on this earth. that face...oh i can;t even exsplain it. its like, it never amttes how bad it gets because i have her to keep my heart going.
night night