(no subject)

Dec 11, 2004 00:26


i often tease cate, but thats only because i tease those i like the most. she is eligent and bad ass in one. she is gifted and educated and while i sit and look at the " oh so pretty picture" she has an eye that catches up the details of that pretty picute
the best way i decribe cate.... of course because i am teasing her ......is (useing a cate like voice, " oh no, i can not eat that scone, that is NOT a proper scone, i worked in a bakery with an old woman who made REALY scones and they where devin and i have only the most sophisticated tasts........mmmm is that dinty more i smell"

she is the only person i know who had already seen dangours beauties and in fact knows the REAL story behind it. that makes her brillent.

she is charming and funny, and cute, and shyer then she likes people to know. she has kittys with big words for names and can take a pad draw a dress with details then sew it up with no pattern like its notihng at all, to me thats like a magicx trick since i can just sew on a button.
is you ask her she will say she is overbearing, i will tell you she is determined. if you ask her she will tell you she is bossy and optionated. if you ask me i will tell you she knows what she wants and likes and there is nothing wrong with that, she is like a feral kitty who has been pulled out of the rain and loved and while her fur is now fluffy and soft and sweet, and she is willing to crawl into your lap and purr, under it all she hasn;t forgotten the life and effectrs of ferual life.....

after all it takes a hell of a woman to know all about the finner things, to have great tast and know the " true scones of the world" but at the same time never become to proud to loose appreciation for the "dintymore we all have toeat sometimes"
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