Ok. I'm in. Phone's working, internet is up, cable tv is on. I'm here.
Now if I could just make sense of all these boxes!!!
Holly and Rusty came over and helped me TONS yesterday, but there still seems so much to do! I went shopping and actually got almost everything on the list! Ok... didn't really think I was going to get a futon and couch on the first time out.
Today: Erin is coming up in the early afternoon to help me some and then I have Lucas ovenight. I didn't realize that, in agreeing to this, I had him all day on Monday ('til 3), too! Oh well.. it'll be fine. He can help! Yea right.
The kitchen is the biggest problem. I just can't get it going. The bathroom/linen closet thing is the next worst.
I have to get a tv cart. I'm going to check the ads in today's paper for that and the couch and futon. **pant pant**
Got Kyra a pillow-type bed yesterday. She fought with it through the night, tugging and pulling on it, trying to beat it into some sort of shape. At various time throughout the night, I found her laying on nothing (got pissed at the bed and is ignoring it to punish it), stretched out on the bed (silently claiming victory), and laying next to it with her head on it (well, it is a pillow, right?).
I'm very concerned about her. Twice now, she has slid down the three wodden steps out the back door. She favoring her left back leg/hip. I put my old bathroom rugs on the steps to help her get traction, but it looks like I'm going to have to build a ramp for her. Hope the landlord doesn't mind. I don't intend to move the steps, just build over them. And it'll be removable when I leave. I'll have to put something on it to keep her from sliding... maybe a series of those black rubber welcome mats in a line. That might do it. See how helpful you are in helping me think things through? Now just help me figure out how to build a ramp!!
I had to get two runners to cover the kitchen floor as it's new, wood-floor simulation and Kyra keeps sliding on it. But these look good, so that's no problem. Once inside the house, she's good to go. Though she still paces now and then and is never out of eye-shot of me.
Oh, did I mention that the house is haunted? I've always wanted that. I feel no fear and have slept like a baby both nights. Whatever it is doesn't threaten me. BUT... Rusty is convinced there's a 'bad place' in a small, damp room in the cellar. He says he saw a figure standing in the back corner when we were here the first time, and the energy is very 'negative'. He was kind enough to call me around midnight of my first night here to inform me of this and tell me how 'freaked out' he was. Nice to hear as I climb in bed for the night. But I slept like a rock.
Jeez...didn't mean to go on like this... I'll write more later.