(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 23:54

So, this thing called life, is really busy.
Even when I have nothing to do, there's always something to do!!
And today, there was another baby. They're popping up everywhere!
Our family has expanded to ... 10. The immediate family, that is. Or 11, if you include Frank. But technically, not yet.
I'm so tired lately and I'm not sure why. It's weird. I'm not sure how to fix it. Going to bed earlier would certainly help. I was going to tonight, but that didn't happen.
Why can't I ever stick to goals I set for myself? I wish I could figure that out.
Abigail Marie. It's weird that she's here already. She was 17 days early. Oh well. A welcome surprise :) I miss her, and I don't think I'll get to see her again until Saturday.
So I'm trying (again) to get in shape. And I seem to be doing better this time. I'm still eating junk, but less often. I'm making healthier decisions all around, which certainly is a step in the right direction. I'm trying to exercise more, but I really hate exercising alone. It's quite boring. And my exercise partner is on vacation.
I spent a couple of hours with Isaiah this morning. <3 He was being ridiculously adorable. He was talking baby talk and smiling a lot. He was acting all shy at some points. I really enjoy his company, even though he's only 2 months old. My godson <3
Wedding plans seem to be at a standstill, due to lack of money, which is really frustrating :P Stupid lack of money. Oh well, hoping to clear that up soon. We had close to $500 saved up, and then my car broke and ate it all. Stupid hungry car. Isn't gas enough?
The good news is, I recently realized my only bills are basically car insurance, and gas money. That means I can save all the rest for wedding stuff.
I haven't heard anything about my dress since I ordered it in July. I should prolly check on that soon.
I feel like once October is through, things will be moving on quite swiftly. Hoping to have another job by then. Hoping to be moved by then. There is one more baby in my extended family to be born, and it is due tomorrow. We don't know what it is though. And that will bring the great grandchildren total to 10.
My birthday is in two weeks. Woo! Francis and I are planning on going to an aquarium, cause I love acquatic life <3 My family may be getting us stuff from our registry, so that's cool.
Holly and I have been writing in our story lately. It's exciting. I really adore this story <3
Oye, it was a slow day, but a long and busy night. Had an interview, that I'm not sure how it went, because it was a group interview and those are always hard to judge.
I wish the Gap would have hired me, because they will pay for you to go to school. *sigh* Oh well, I suppose there's something better planned for me :)
Frank and I have been watching Heroes, and it is amazing. I love that show. Hiro is my favorite character. The weird thing is, one of my main characters in the story is named Hiro, and he's just amazing. And I made him before I watched Heroes. Well I think I'd seen one episode, but I named my Hiro (or actually Hiroko) after someone on Ninja Warrior, lol. Mr Bennet is proving to be an interesting character, with some really funny one liners. Peter is a good character, because he is, and also because he's played by Milo Ventimiglia, who is quite possibly one of the prettiest actors ever <3 Even Frank agrees with me on that one :D I don't really like Niki's story, only because multiple personalities scare me. When I was little I was afraid I was going to have another personality, and that I would never know it cause it's not like you can meet them. Or can you? I don't know. Micah is pretty cool though. DL isn't quite developed enough to judge yet. Frank's favorite character is the Haitian. Oh and Mohinder, he is quite pretty as well. Well the guy who plays him, I'm not sure how to spell his real name.
So I suppose I should go to bed now, cause I meant to an hour ago. Woops!!
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