Nov 09, 2009 19:30
It really was a great weekend! Some highlights......
1) Hanging out with Neil from the Band "Faun" and drinking with friends Friday night....
2) A great was a really really nice hotel....and probably the most pleasant staff I have ever seen at a con....maybe it is MD Southern politeness....
3) They had lots of great Vendors...I bought cool stuff!
4) Talked to Jasmine Becket-Smith and her husband quite a bit while I was there.....I wish I lived closer to them...I think would become good friends!
5) Bought some pretty new Faery wings in which I am designing a new Faerie costume around...I think I am entering the costume contest next year....I have a cool idea....mwhahahaha!
6) Met Author Charles de Lint and illustrator Charles Vess. Spent a fair bit of time hanging out with Charles de Lints wife and having lovely conversation.....
7) On Saturday night Faun rocked and pretty much is the best band I have seen in a long long long time...I can't tell you how great they were....if you haven't listened to them ever go out right now and get a CD!
8) They had a game room this year...and we met some lovely new people there, played new games, and bought some new who wants to come over and play them with us and when??????
Now I am home and back to mundane things.....trying hard to keep the magic alive......and I have thought of cool faery art that I am going to start making.....*rubbing hands together*