Green Jelly and Crash Test Dummies

Jun 05, 2008 20:19

LOL does anyone remember the Three Little Pigs song?? I found it on ITunes...Takes me back to eight grade. So funny!!
Today was super relaxing!! No visitors ( although I loved hanging with Resa and Chris yesterday!!), no alarm clocks or anything stressful. I almost fell asleep on the living room floor where kissing turned into making out that turned into lovely sex. Had lunch at Blue Bamboo, I love there Chicken Brocolli stir fry!! Dropped off the key to the spa and some papers that belonged there and did a happy dance of freedom in the parking lot. Nothing but relief in leaving that place. I gave the new place a call and I go in at noon tomorrow. I'm sure things will be MUCH better there. I need to learn more about N.M.T. and start practicing that as well as brushing up on my Hot Stone therapy stuff. I want to really good at all the modalities I know!
I need to start saving money for B-day gifts for Rob. I want to make sure I can get him something good! I told him for my b-day not to get me anything, just to put the money towards fixing the A/C! I don't want to melt away this summer.
I finally got off my booty and found my Herbal medicine-makers handbook. Time to do some more reading. I should also pry my lazy bones up and go see that Holistic prationer down near the beaches and see what she has to say.
So one more anyone remember the Mmmm Mmmm MMM song by Crash Test Dummies. LOL!! I remember listening to that one in 9th and/or 10th grade. Anyone else sunddenly feel old in here???

**Resa you lefe your Kawaii Not book here. I have Sunday off, want me to bring it round to your place?? Thank you and Chris sooooooooooooo much for the Kushiels book!! You guys are more awesome than ya know ::huggles you both:: Oh, and sorry I got all sickly early this morning!
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